Knowing The King

"Gerard... It might be hard to fathom, but the timing she says this... Are you sure she is not lying? And is that even your child..." 

Seeing his glare, she gulped. "So it is your child? How did this- Did you keep on meeting her after-"

"We lost our baby, mom," Gerard began to shake leaning in her shoulder and she sighed in relief.

Thank God it got solved by itself!

She was relieved but her son's pain hurt her.

"The day of my wedding she had a miscarriage. And that b*tch Emma hid it from me although she knew. While she was suffering I had to put up with that Emma b!tch! Mom, I can't continue this farce anymore... I want my Jer. I am going to divorce-"

"No, no!" Before he finished, his mother closed his mouth. "Don't say that word. And what do you mean 'our baby'? I don't think there ever was a baby. She is playing to get you back... Women like her..."