Being Extravagant

Jeremy deliberated if he should go and bring her back to have his talk. He wanted to know what they are talking about. 

As he was about to turn to sneak to the garden, sudden darkness rose in front of him and he almost punched the dark head that popped up.

"Whatcha doin', Jerry?" 

Even after knowing it's Scarlett, he wanted to punch that grinning face.

"She is interested in someone very much," She smiled and he pulled down the window. But Scarlett was quick to stop him by holding the window. 

"Get lost, Scar. Don't you have a baby to look after?" he turned to leave. He did want to know who she is interested in but he didn't want to beg Scarlett for answers.

Geez! I didn't believe the phrase "men marry their mothers" until Bobby married Scarlett. Daisy and Scarlett are the same gossip-lovers.