Should I Give Her Up?

Emma... why did she bring up Skunky when Hank didn't try anything of the sort on her? Was she afraid Hank might hurt her? Even so...

'Emma manipulates' – he remembered Jerlina's words.

Doesn't it seem that way?

Jeremy felt like the floor beneath his feet had slipped. His eyes became blurry and he almost fainted from the pain in his heart. 

"Get out! Don't show your face to me ever again! If anyone knows about what we talked about here, you wouldn't want to know what I'll do to you!" Jeremy shouted at Ashley and she struggled to get up.

"I won't tell anyone... please leave my aunt out of this, please..." she begged as tears dripped from her face.

"Get out!!" Jeremy banged the table and Ashley stumbled her way out.

After Ashely left the room, Jeremy leaned at the backrest of his chair and stared at the ceiling.

Emma... since when did she become like this? What changed her?

Should I investigate more?