Getting Dragged

Bobby was mad at Jeremy. Charlie called him just some time ago to ask him what he should do about the squirrel. He said that she was too quiet and it didn't seem like she ate lunch even. 

Charlie asked Bobby to send Scarlett to check on Jerlina since he felt it would be inappropriate for him to enter her bedroom. All Bobby could do was roll his eyes and run to Jeremy's house.

Inappropriate? What if she is in danger? What if she choked or fainted?

Bobby was worried if she had locked that chain lock in her door if she is inside the bedroom. He imagined all kind of worse scenarios involving that little squirrel.

He called Jeremy to inform him, but that guy didn't answer his call. Deciding to break the door in case it is locked, he walked inside the house.

There was no sight of her in the kitchen and other areas, so he walked to her bedroom. Thankfully, it was not locked.