Reason To Stay

Jerlina is not the kind to act impolite even with her enemies. She's been that way all her life and she has no intention of changing herself now, but she was surprised he is saying this to her now.

"Even to your sister?" she asked.

"Yes, even to Emma." He nodded. 

He was serious with no playfulness in his eyes and Jerlina bit her lips.

"What changed? Just days before you were shouting at me not to speak a single word about Emma," she asked.

"There is a reason," he held her hand. "That's what I am going to talk about to Emma now. And I want you there."

Jerlina bowed her head. He probably investigated and found out something about Emma. 

As much as she hated Emma, she didn't want to be watching her when she is confronted by her brother about the truth. Getting humiliated in front of your perceived enemy is one of the worse feelings and she wanted to spare Emma of that. 

For that, and Jerlina feared retaliation.