The Confrontation

"Your face..?" Emma asked knitting her brows pointing at Jerlina's face.

Jerlina saw the slight smile banging on to be let out at the corner of Emma's lips. 

"You look worse," Jerlina said with a fake concerned face. "What happened?" 

Emma clenched her jaws for a second before turning towards Jeremy with a smile. "Jerry, you didn't hurt Jer thinking of getting back at Gerard, did you? You have to control your anger. She and Gerard are different people and..."

This ****! Why would Jeremy hurt me trying to get back at Gerard? Does she actually believe this or inciting Jeremy to do this?

Jerlina wanted to grit her teeth, but then her jaws would hurt and so she didn't. She looked at Jeremy and he looked stunned and pale.

Yeah, Joel... Your dear sister thinks you are someone who'd act like a savage! Does it hurt? I'm sorry.

"Joel," she held his arm and smiled gently to distract his thoughts. "What's for lunch?"