Feeling Guilty

Jerlina staggered back holding her chest. Her eyes clouded and she leaned on the wall for support.

The truth is out! He finally realized the truth!

It won't change anything from the past, but she felt vindicated. She knew it. She knew Emma was behind it but her voice wasn't heard. A lot happened, but finally, the truth came out.

She wouldn't say she was happy. There is nothing to be happy about in this circumstance. But she was relieved. She now knows that her beliefs weren't wrong and Emma is the source of most of her troubles.

She let out a sigh.

She looked at the tall back in front of her, shielding her from Emma. His voice was shaking and she could feel his pain. 

Is he showing me that I am more important to him? By confronting his sister in front of me... By confronting the one I thought was his most important person in front of me, is he telling me that he takes my side?

No, it should be because the truth is on my side.