She Has Thorns

Jerlina with a sigh bowed her head. 

Well, I tried!

Was she happy he refused to help? No. But she understood him. 

She wanted to give it a try as she promised and she did. But she had a suggestion and she would have been happy if he listened to it.

But... well, I can try later.

"Jerlina," he stopped at the door. 

He didn't feel good for using that tone on her. He was not going to change his mind, but he can explain it to her.

He was harsh with her, but it is for her own good. And if she can't understand that...

"What?" Jerlina got up and walked to him. She wondered if he forgot something.

"You're not mad?" he asked looking at her face. He was surprised.

She asked something and he harshly refused her, but she still looks at him normally?

Why can I never understand her? 

Is it because it doesn't directly involve her she can act normal?