She Raises Him Up

"Emma... I don't know if she'd actively sabotage your company," Jerlina actually didn't think Emma would go against Jeremy hard at first. 

Emma still needs Jeremy to pay for her after all. She is used to living a certain way and enjoys certain perks because Jeremy is where he is. So, Emma won't touch him where she gets hurt.

Emma will hurt Jeremy where it only hurts him – she'll hurt his heart.

Unfortunately for Jerlina and fortunately for Emma, the one Emma hates and the one Jeremy loves is the same person – Jerlina!

And so, Emma will try and hurt Jerlina.

But will Jeremy believe her when she says it to him? 

Jerlina sighed. 

I should defend myself against Emma. And I have the help of others.

"But Jeremiah Harrison would," Jerlina wetted her lips. She still remembered the way Jeremiah glared at them when he left the wedding.