First Date

Jeremy didn't know what he thought, but he held her hand as soon as she turned. He didn't like to see her leave. 

My dear Jerlina, just don't leave me alone. I can't wait to hear you say those three words to me. So, say those words to me first.

My heart's pounding and my chest hurt. I want to say how much I love you but I can't find the words. I can't find my voice either.

I fear I'd die of the love I am feeling for you.

So please, fall for me soon. Say "I love you" to me and relieve me of my suffering.

Jeremy wanted to speak, but his words didn't come out.

Jerlina turned to look at him. He was choking with emotions. She didn't know what he wanted to say.

"Are you leaving?" she asked and he nodded.