Can't Live Without You

"What else?" Jeremy asked lying beside Jerlina. He just wanted to hear her voice more.

Her lips were all red thanks to the kisses. Her eyes were watery and it added to her allure.

His heart was filled with glee. All he has to do now is to make her accept that she's in love with him.

But there is no hurry for that.

"What else..?" Jerlina smiled coyly. His eyes were so pretty and she grazed his cheek with the back of her hand. 

His facial hair felt so soft on her hand and it made her drowsy.

"Joel..." She poked his cheek.

"Hmm..." He smiled biting her index finger. He could see she's tired. 

She works a lot and it is not surprising if she gets tired. And if she feels relaxed around him, isn't that good for her? Him too?

He wouldn't mind if she rests all day long, but she likes to work. So all he could do is to help her to do what she wants with little effort as possible.