No Backpedaling

"Here's your wife, Jerry!"

Scarlett presented Jerlina with a curtsy. 

Jeremy smiled looking at Jerlina wearing a black knee-length cocktail dress and she looked different than usual as she was showing more skin than usual.

He didn't care much although that red lipstick made her look alluring. More than appearing vulgar or tacky, she looked mature. 

She looked comfortable and he thought it was a step up from her usual modest outfits. 

"Isn't my wife the prettiest, Scar?" Jeremy said with a whistle.

"You're more handsome though," Jerlina said. 

He looks ruggedly handsome when he is in his casual attire and he turns to a hot kind of handsome when he wears a suit.

His hair, eyes, lips... Yummy!

"You two look so good together!" Scarlett got excited and dragged them under the Christmas tree for pictures.