Not Here For A Chef

Samuel noticed her eyes ending up at the tunnel. He couldn't figure out if it was an affectionate gesture or a controlling gesture. 

But his father is convinced that she loves her husband, and so it shall be.

"About Matilda, young lady?" he questioned. 

Her personal life is none of his business. She made it clear that she has no intention of continuing their relationship after his father. And so, there is no need for them to get over affectionate with her. 

Just like she wants to be a passing cloud in their family, they can be the same. They can live the rest of their lives like the sky and the sea – without ever touching each other.

Although his wife seems to be not understanding that part.

His question snapped Jerlina out of her thoughts. And she didn't like his insistence on addressing her as a Young lady.

"No need, grandad," she turned to him with a fake smile. "Leave her be."

Samuel's eyebrows twitched.