Stupid But Respectful(?)

Rose stood in front of Alexander the most nervous she's ever been in her life. She was not this scared when she broke her mother's favorite vase or when she went against her father to study art. 

All because she felt that this moment was more important in her life. 

In the end, it's all perspective. Some find getting their dream job as important and they'd get nervous as they face the interviewer. She thought studying art was her life and she was so scared to talk to her father. 

But today, she felt a hundred times more of that fear. Thinking that this meeting would be the day it will be decided if she can be together with Mikhail for life, made her insides melt. 

Imagining her life without Mikhail made her feel like she'd lose a part of herself. She had the past days to have a little glimpse of how her life without him after all. 

She didn't want that.