Be Happy, Kids

"Tired? She'd be livid!" Jeremy said and sat up. There was a trace of sadness and disappointment in his tone.

"Back to blocked, it is!" he scrolled through his phone.

Jerlina didn't say anything. He is right. She probably thinks that Joel has abandoned her and expects him to make the first call to apologize to her. 

Well…I don't care! I just hope Joel doesn't get attached to her again. And she keeps on hurting my Joel. She better stay away from me!

She is not someone who would wish for any relationship to get ruined. But Emma is toxic! And toxic people should be kept away.

"And so…" Jeremy wriggled his brows. "Shall we?"

"Shall we what?" Jerlina bit her lips.

"What a silly wife I have!" Jeremy pinched her cheek. "Should I spell it out for you?"

He nudged her nose with his.

"Let's have our first f*ck of this year!"

Jerlina giggled. Only he could make crude remarks and yet make her heart pound.