Mother They Lost

His mind went to think about various possibilities and he didn't like any of that. His wife's panicked look is not helping either. 

"We'll have to return, Joel…" Jerlina said sucking in her breath and rubbing his chest. She was hurting and she knew how much this news would hurt Joel.

"I'm sorry, Joel… Daisy passed away…" Jerlina saw him stagger back and she hugged him.

Jeremy stood frozen. He could feel that his shirt is getting wet on his chest and he understood that he should be comforting his wife but he couldn't move.

"It's impossible," he mumbled, gathering himself and he started to pat her shoulder. "Are you sure?"

She was fine! We talked to her some hours ago! How could she be dead?

"She…" Jerlina couldn't control her tears. "She slipped in some stairs… There was no one around and… Joel… They found her dead and Bobby was informed…"

Jerlina went on with the details but Jeremy could not think straight.