Ch 60: Vicious Snake King

When the group arrived, they were greeted by a bizarre scene—dead snakes littered the area. The leader pondered, 'Has he gone crazy, destroying even the eggs?'

"Where is he?" he asked, looking at the person who was pulling the hound.

The person with the hound looked at his pet and gave a command. The hound barked loudly twice. He smiled and said to the leader of the group, "He is here somewhere, hiding. The hound couldn't fully point out his exact location, but he is sure around."

Upon hearing this, the group became ecstatic, with some already celebrating, accidentally stepping on the eggs. Not caring what they were stepping on, the group started moving around while mocking Zane with all kinds of slurs.

"Shithead, come out! We know you are here! There is no point in hiding."

Others yelled their own slurs as well. However, the leader suddenly felt something. He put his ear to the ground.

"Quiet, everyone."

But nobody was listening to him; the others were getting rowdier, randomly attacking and killing some snakes in the vicinity.


Finally, when the others heard him, they settled down. The leader of the group opened his eyes and quickly gave the command, "SHIT! Incoming!"

Five large Vicious Snakes, around 50 to 70 feet long, crawled speedily toward the group. The largest one opened its mouth and attacked right away. The person who wasn't paying attention suddenly felt the sky darken. Before he knew it, he was already inside the belly of the beast.


Meanwhile, the leader raised his spear. A silver glow appeared on the tip of the spear; upon closer inspection, Zane saw that it was like condensed air gathered at a single point. Soon, the leader pointed his diamond spear toward one of the snakes. The Vicious Snake fell dead, a large hole between its eyes.

The largest serpent identified the hooded man with the spear as the greatest threat and began its deadly attacks. However, after a couple of clashes, it found that it couldn't land any damage on the human in front of it. Meanwhile, the human also started to attack, leaving bloody marks all over the snake.

A few minutes later, as it looked toward its snake companions, it realized that out of the five it had come with, two had already perished at the hands of the humans. It predicted that it would only be a matter of time before they would meet the same fate.

Anticipating this, the snake emitted an unexpected sound, shaking its tail rhythmically and producing a rattling sounds. The two remaining snakes followed suit, despite their fatal wounds.

Upon seeing this, the leader screamed at his team, "KILL THEM FAST!"

He built up another condensed air on his spear and used a movement-type skill to quickly travel behind the snake's head. He pointed his spear at the unsuspecting snake, and a highly condensed air flow was released, directly blasting the snake's brain.

The rest of the snakes also died in the process, unable to respond to the humans' teamwork.

However, the leader had a very bad premonition, so he ordered, "Find Zane quickly!"

The group started to search, but then a loud shriek came from the mountains. Before they could react, an incredibly fast and massive movement followed, destroying some trees and coming dangerously close to Cecilia's tree.

Seeing this movement, Cecilia quickly drank her own vial of blood concoted by Zane, praying it would work as Zane had mentioned. Her whole body was shaking deeply, experiencing a fear she had never felt before. Thinking that they had fought an Ascendant, she was confident they could handle another one, or at least outmaneuver the person like they did with Ascendant Ezio. Now she realized how wrong she was! The pressure alone emitted by the beast made her whole body and soul tremble.

Zane had the same thought and drank the vial of blood. Seeing the Ascendant King Class Viscious Snake, he felt so stupid for his decision. His whole body shook with fear; he wanted to stop it, but the fear of death had already taken hold of his body.


The leader of the group screamed at the top of his lungs.


Everyone quickly gathered next to him, holding their weapons tightly. Soon, their enemy showed up.

Zane used his Identification skill.

Vicious Snake (Ascendant - King Class)

Level: 34

Strength: 321

Agility: 454

Perception: 264

Constitution: 293

Mana Capacity: 101

Genetic Skill: Viper Strike, Poison Mists, Poison Fang, Nature Camouflage, Petrifying Gaze,

It was a towering 100-foot snake. Upon seeing the fourteen humans huddled together, it didn't move. It coiled its body and observed the surroundings first. It saw its five dead snake guards and hundreds of Vicious Snakes dead all over the place.

It didn't show emotion upon seeing the dead snakes, but then it opened its mouth and tasted the chemicals in the air. It was the smell of the destroyed eggs. It looked at the broken eggs with a touch of sadness.

Then, it raised its fangs, ready to strike, focusing on the fourteen people. The group's leader was extremely shaken, trying to muster courage.

He stepped out and prepared to face the large snake. The others followed him, raising their auras and weapons.

The Vicious King Snake attacked. In a blink of an eye, it was in front of the two Awakened warriors, both of whom were devoured completely.

The others didn't see what happened; it was a blur. Two people were standing next to them, but the next thing they saw was both men being chewed at the mouth of the snake and swallowed.

The leader of the group finished charging his spear and pointed it at the large snake. It struck the snake directly in the eye. He was about to celebrate, but the Vicious King Snake didn't flinch when struck; it didn't even bother to close its eyelids.

A dull sound reverberated.

Realizing that there wasn't any effect, the leader readied himself to run away. However, the large snake moved before he could do so. Soon enough, he found himself grabbed by the snake and coiled close to its body along with three of his companions and a hound that was used for tracking. The snake viciously squeezed itself, showering the area in blood.

The rest of the group tried to run, but the snake's tail was extremely fast, killing them one by one. The remaining members were devoured by the beast.

Zane watched all of this happen. He hugged the ground so hard, playing dead. He was screaming two things in his mind like a chant.

'Go away' 'I am snake' 'Go away' 'I am snake' 'Go away' 'I am snake'


After the snake had finished the deed, it didn't stay for long. Slowly, it crawled back to its mountain, leaving a trail behind of destroyed trees and grasses.

Zane waited for a full hour, just in case the snake returned. However, even after an hour, his whole body was still badly shaking. He stood up and went to Cecilia's tree. He found her passed out laying on a tree trunk.

Zane couldn't help looking at Cecilia's embarrassing position.

He woke her up and helped her sit.

"Did the large snake leave?" Cecilia asked, her worry evident.

"Yes, rest here for a while," Zane replied before jumping down from the tree and searching for the belongings of those who hadn't been directly eaten by the snake.
