Ch 61: Magic Crystals

He discovered that there wasn't much to find, as they had been crushed along the way. However, he did find some items that had survived— a total of 20 pieces of small crystal with silver hue, and another crystal with a blue hue.

from the remains of the leader of the group.


Magic Crystal

Stored Essence: 1

Description: Formed from the very essence of the world, these enchanting crystals possess the ability to harness and contain mana. When used, it provides the absorption of the accumulated essence, leading to a substantial enhancement of one's own mastery over mana.

Zane then looked at the blue Magic Crystal and identified it.

Medium Grade Magic Crystal

Stored Essence: 106

"Great! So the magic crystal can be used to enhance one mana!" 


When Cecilia found Zane still snooping around, picking up some herbs and some random stuff on the ground, she hollered to quietly:

"Zane! Let's go!"

"Yes, hold on. This land is very fertile. The medicinal plants here are very abundant."

Cecilia couldn't believe her eyes looking at Zane's actions, her knees started to tremble.

She was screaming on her head, 'We have just survived a disaster! You still had the guts to stay around?!'

So Cecilia rushed to Zane and started pulling his hand.

"Come on, let's go!"

Zane struggled against Cecilia's iron grip.

"Alright, alright, alright. Geez, I am going."


Two weeks had passed, and Zane and Cecilia finally reached the Mountain River City.

The city nestled at the heart of a large mountain. In its western region, a large lake bustled with large ships, while its northern and eastern regions were defined by high mountains towering in the skies. To the south was a vast forest where Zane had traversed.

As they approached the towering city gates, both noticed the grandeur of the city. The towering black gates alone inspired awe with their intricate design and metallurgy. Even Zane was impressed. He had seen city designs before, but this was the first time he felt that the city exuded an aura of being 'unbreakable' and 'unmovable'.

Wearing disguises, Zane and Cecilia moved closer to the gates and observed the bustling streets. What shocked them were the different kinds of races coming in and out of the city freely.

Among humans, various kinds of demi-beasts stood on two legs, such as oxen, horses, bulls, chickens, rabbits, tigers, and even some combinations of beasts that Zane couldn't identify and was hesitant to ask about. Furthermore, there were familiar types of races Zane was sure of: dwarves and elves.

As they approached, they were stopped by two Dwarven city guards.

The Dwarf looked at both of them. "Papers."

Seeing Zane and Cecilia just standing, the guard became impatient. "Hurry up!"

"If you don't have any, go to that side and register! Stop blocking the way. Country bumpkins!"

Zane nodded to the guard and moved to the side where a line of races was waiting.

When it was their turn, they met a Dwarf at the counter. When she saw them, she asked, "Humans?"

She looked back at her list and then said, "2 Magic Crystals for a two-day entry permit each."

"How much for 1 month?"

"It will be 10 Magic Crystals."

Zane handed 20 silver Magic Crystals to the dwarf. "Here, for both of us."

The Dwarf, seemingly accustomed to this, took the crystals and handed them a blue parchment.

"Don't lose it, otherwise, you'll have to pay again."


Zane was quite surprised that the lady didn't even bother asking for their names or where they came from. Zane even scoured the books he stored in his information just to provide a more believable story. He asked Cecilia to try to act like a traveling adventurer.

'I guess it is not necessary,' shrugged his shoulders.


As they walked through the bustling streets, they noticed that they were wide and paved. People were coming in and out and carriages after carriages were being pulled in out.

Lamps powered by some kind of stone lined the road. The buildings were constructed from dark heavy stones combined with some kind of silver metals.

Zane noticed that some buildings have some smokes coming out from their roofs. When he looked closer, though not electric, it resembled kind of rune powered machinery. Inside the artisan workshop, dwarves were busily working not minding people watching over their work, as it seems that they are used to it.

Meanwhile, workshops, forges, and foundries seems like a very common sight throughout the city. Zane felt like the city was like one big weapon factory with so many large buildings dedicated for forging weapons and armors.

Zane also noticed that in my streets of the cities, there were many inspiring monuments of the Dwarven heroes, below it was text that explains their contribution to the city.


After walking for a while, Zane found the downtown area of the city. There they went to the a building that looks like an inn. As they went to the inside, behind the bar was a green lizard-woman who was serving food and drink to the customers.

He approached her, "Can I have two clean rooms."

The lizard demi-beast was slightly surprised, "Humans? Hmm.. Interesting, not many humans wanted to stay in this city. Let alone stay in an inn."

"Why is that?" Zane asked curiously.

"I am not against your kind or anything, since this is a free city. However, the city imposed a very exuberant tax price for humans."

She paused for a moment and then continued, "Those who come here were either, rich or adventurers. Which one are you?" she smiled.

"Definitely adventurers," Zane responded also with a smile.

She bowed on her greetings, "Great! Adventurers, welcome to the Mountain River City, the home the Silverbeards Dwarves. "

"It will be two Magic Crystals per night."

Zane almost choke on his saliva, "So expensive?"

"No, actually, it was already discounted. Like I said, the tax applied to your kind is high," she smiled the more.

Zane changed his request to one room, and gave two Magic Crystal to her with slight begrudgingly.

When she saw Zane's face, she laughed, "Thank you for the payment. Don't worry, the meals are included in your stay. Your rooms are ready upstairs, they are the first rooms on the left. Our maids will bring the food shortly."

As Zane was about to head upstairs, she warned him sternly, "Don't go out at night; a curfew was recently implemented. I wouldn't want you to get into trouble right after arriving in the city."

Zane nodded, "Thanks for the letting us know."

"Have a good rest," the inn-keeper waved her hand.


Level: 15 (Awakened)

Zane thought, 'An in-keeper whose an awakened and level 15 at that. Their standards here in the city is very high.

After a few minutes, Zane and Cecilia received their first meal.

"Although expensive, at least their food is quite good," Zane satisfied.

"Yeah, it is better than your cooking Zane," Cecilia laughed, trying to savor the meal. Zane rolled his eyes, he actually agreed, since they only have limited ingredients, he normally cook the food with salt. 

Exhausted from all the hunting and traveling , Zane and Cecilia fell asleep without a care in the world.