
Hana woke up, jostled by a stray elbow, her fingers still under the hemline of her painties. She looked around blearily, searching for the warmth of her cuddle-toy, but only found cold blanket. She whined, pulling on Aisha's shirt.


"Come back to bed!" She pouted.

"I'm leaving." Aisha said coldly.


Hana checked the back of her hand and face for her transformation, confirming that her skin was still creamy and smooth.


"D-don't you want to cuddle up with your mistress?" She tried desperately.


Aisha sighed and turned to face Hana with a tired expression.

"Listen, demon. It was nice seeing my mistress again, and it was fun, but I'm going now."

Hana stepped back, shocked. "W-what!? You're supposed to be under my spell!"

"Mistress doesn't stutter or blush." Aisha said, sliding on her sock. "And I don't have to ask her for hugs or headpats. She just gives them to me."


Hana dispelled her transformation, her frame shrinking and slendering down into a much more lithe girl, her face mellowing out and her hair turning from a warm brown to a candy-floss pink. Horns grew out of her forehead, curling and framing her face.


"You can't do this! I-I need to feel that feeling again! From last night! What was it!?" She begged.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Aisha muttered.

"That fuzzy feeling! That was so… " She blushed. "It was so erotic! I need more of it!"

"Find someone else to do it." Aisha said, one foot out of the window. She grunted as she gripped a rock on the side of the crumbling spire, slowly beginning to climb her way to the bottom.




Aisha trudged down the dirt path slowly, a cold expression on her face as Hana trailed her like a lost puppy, wings beating lazily.


"Where are you going to go?" Hana asked. "You're not going to the village."

"I know." Aisha said lowly.

"But that's where the woman is!" Hana cried.

"I know."

"You're just going to leave?"



"Because I can't beat you!" Aisha snapped. "I failed! There's no point in going back, it's obvious that I failed!"

"Why are you so obsessed with this contract? What's wrong with failing?"

"If I can't do a platinum contract, then how am I going to do harder ones?"

"Umm..." Hana put her finger to her lip. "I dunno. Keep trying!"

Aisha scoffed. "Go away."

"I can't leave you!" Hana said desperately, drooling. "I neeeeeeed that feeling! It was so… good! I want it! I've never felt it beforeeeeee!"


Aisha wiped a bit of drool off her shoulder, annoyed.




"What are you even going to do when you get back?" Hana asked.

"I don't know." Aisha said.

"Why don't you stay here with me?"


Aisha almost laughed out loud in pure bitterness. How many times had she heard that phrase?



Hana sighed in exasperation. "Why won't you sleep with me!?? Why are you so resistant to my charms!?"

"I already have someone I love."

"That girl? But she looks so plai-"


Hana stopped herself at the look of cold fury that Aisha shot at her.


"Mistress is the most beautiful woman in the world!" She snarled.


Hana retreated back, surprised. She felt another new emotion start to creep up on her at the sight of her angry expression.


(What is this? I feel… bad! I don't like this one!)


"I-I'm sorry." She offered.



Hana pondered Aisha's response. It was... actually really cute how she adored her mistress so much. How much she... loved her.


"You don't just love this woman, don't you." She said in amazement. "You worship her! Your definition of beauty, of what you find attractive... is based on that woman!"





Two hours later, and Hana was still pestering Aisha as she trudged along that dirt path back to the capital.


"So who is this 'mistress' woman?" Hana asked.

"Go away." Aisha groaned.

"Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillll go away if you... help me figure out that feeling again!" She said bubbilly.

"I have no idea what this "feeling" you're talking about is." Aisha growled. "And I have no intention of helping you with anything."

"Come on." Hana whined.



"No." Aisha said, visibly growing irritated.

"Why are you such a downer?"

"BECAUSE LIFE IS UNFAIR!" Aisha screamed. "Because everytime I think something's going right, I'm reminded as to just how fucking-"

"What are you doing!?" She demanded.


Hana draped her arms around Aisha's shoulders, hands clasped over her collarbone, on top of her scarf. She rested her chin on Aisha's shoulder, still flying, and squeezed her tightly.


"Making you feel better?" Hana offered, nuzzling her cheek. "Mmmm…. This feels nice too..."


Aisha was tempted to slash the girl's neck, but… her huge breasts and warm body was pressed against her back, and…

She shook her head, an angry blush starting to make its way onto her face.


(She's nothing like mistress! She's not… pretty, o-or soft… or… fun...)


Aisha bit her lip.




The sun was down, and the sky was beginning to fill with a warm, orange glow. Aisha walked along the dirt path, with no sign of fatigue.


"So who's mistress?" Hana asked.

"You already asked me this question."

"You didn't answer!"




There was an uncomfortable silence between the two. Aisha didn't want to answer, but she was starting to get tired of telling the girl no. And deep down in herself, there was a little part of her that yearned for some companionship… and conversation.


"...Mistress was... Mistress… I... I loved her. She took me in when I was a slave, and even though I was a huge bitch, she still loved me. And she always supported me, even though sometimes she didn't agree with me. She loved to… hug and cuddle, and we played fun little games, and she would feed me, and tell me that I was a good girl…" Aisha whispered, blushing. "And… uh..."


Aisha looked at Hana, who was flushed red, panting slightly.

"That sounds so kinky." She gasped. "T-tell me more!"

"Well… sometimes we would go on little dates, to restaurants and stuff." Aisha said, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. "She wouldn't eat a lot, because she was a demon, but she liked to taste some of the food."

"A date!..." Hana said, drooling, panting in excitement. "W-wow… d-did you… hold hands??"



Hana chuckled lecherously, lost in her own little world. She snaked a hand into her panties, beginning to rub and moan, wings flapping excitedly. Aisha averted her eyes, looking straight forward at the sunset.




"Aren't you going to rest sometime?"


"Come on. You've been yawning!" Hana accused. "It's almost daytime! We've been walking for an entire day! I can't see anything!" She whined.

"I've been walking. You've been flying. And there's no point in sleeping. I won't even be able to get to sleep anyways."

"Why not?"

"I can't sleep without someone else to keep me company."

"I'm here!" Hana whined. "Sleep with me!"

"No!" Aisha said, irritation creeping up on her again.

"I'm sleepy too!" Hana said aggressively, landing on the ground, her soft, clawed feet descending on the ground. The demon tackled Aisha from the back, forcing both of them onto the ground, catching Aisha by surprise.


"Get off me!" Aisha roared, flipping over and attempting to push the girl off her, but Hana caught Aisha's hands in her own, forcing them down. Aisha grunted in exertion, catching the sight of pink mana flowing into the succubus's arms, and redoubled her efforts, slowly pushing back on the girl.


Aisha yelped as she felt something snaking into her uniform and into her panties, smooth and spade shaped. She threw the girl off her, getting up and unsheathing her blade.


"Get away from me." She seethed. "I'll..."


In the corner of Aisha's vision, she saw the sun beginning to rise, and a glare went into her eyes from a small object on the ground. She squinted and held up her hands to block it, squatting down to pick up the object.


(What the hell is that? Did it fall out my pocket?)


It was her adventuring plate. Metallic with a hint of green. She was officially a platinum adventurer.


Aisha looked at the plate in shock, turning it over to see the same metallic sheen. "What? Is this a mistake?"

"Is what a mistake?" Hana yawned.

"I'm not supposed to… I didn't… I didn't complete that contract! I didn't beat you!" She said in disbelief.

"Did the contract say that you had to beat me? Because… I'm pretty sure Diane only wanted me out of the village." Hana said, leaning over Aisha's shoulder to look at the plate.


Aisha was silent.

"This isn't right." She muttered. "This isn't a victory."

"How isn't it a victory? I thought those silly contracts were meant to help people. You brought me away from that town."


Aisha dropped to her knees, emotions bubbling inside of her tumultuously. Originally, she was going to go back to the capital and give up on adventuring, but…


What if she didn't have to be strong to become diamond? What if…


Aisha slumped over, tired from a day's travel. She didn't want to think about it now. A pink mist began to enter her vision, as she took deep breaths of the stuff. Her vision began to go blurry, and she felt herself fall backwards into a pair of soft arms, and become wrapped in a tight embrace.


"Are you tired?" Hana asked seductively. "Don't you want to just… go to sleep and… relax? Cuddle?"


Aisha rubbed her cheek against a little spade-tipped tail, as she slowly fell deeper into the reaches of slumber…




Aisha awoke, smothered in between a pair of massive breasts, pink hair tickling her face and ears. She vaguely could feel soft breaths on her ears, and a smooth, tentacley appendage stroking her back.


She looked down at Hana, the pushy, stubborn, demon, who had insisted on stalking her, on the chase for some feeling, that apparently, she got when she hugged Aisha, some warm, fuzzy feeling…


Oh god. It was a feeling that Aisha was oh so familiar with. It was...


Her cheeks went pink as she got another look at the succubus, who was so much like her mistress… Was it the transformation that made her feel like this? The mist?


She was brought out of her thoughts as the woman began to stir, nuzzling Aisha's cheeks happily and squeezing her tightly. She yawned and smacked her lips, pink eyes opening slowly.


"Good morninggg…" She sang. "How are you doing?"

"Mnnngmnnn." Aisha grumbled.

"Whoa... " Hana said, rubbing her tummy, and separating herself from Aisha. "I feel so… full... "


She frowned. "But I still want to cuddle..."

"Just don't eat."

"What do you mean?"

"Just don't eat. Like… if you have food in front of you, you don't have to eat it." Aisha said, with a flat expression.

"...It's not as simple as that!" Hana whined. "I don't know how to stop absorbing energy!"


Aisha licked her lips. If that was true, then…


"AaaAAAh!" Hana yelped, as Aisha latched herself onto her, squeezing tight and resisting all attempts from Hana to pry her off.

"S-stooooooppp!" Hana whined. "I-it's too much! I'm going to burst!"

"This is payback, for being so annoying." Aisha said playfully. "You don't like it?"



Aisha's grip loosened as she felt her stomach growl. She let of the squirming and struggling succubus, standing up and stretching. She looked around for her crossbow, notably not strapped to her back.


"I'm going out to hunt. I'm hungry."

"I-I'll go hunting." Hana said, blushing. "Stay here! Don't leave me!"


The succubus scrambled off the ground, wings flapping unsteadily. She tripped a bit on the floor as she took off towards the forest. Aisha stared at her retreating form with uncertainty. She contemplated leaving her, but… some part of her kind of wanted to stay.




Hana flew back to the side of the road, an antlered corpse levitating behind her. Her eyes lit up at the sight of Aisha, chin propped up in a hand, blowing at a blade of grass absentmindedly.


"You waited for me!" She said excitedly.



Hana didn't understand why, but the small little action made her very happy, filling her chest with heat. She dropped the carcass on the ground, flying over to Aisha, wrapping her arms around her neck, and planting a little smooch on her cheek.


Aisha rubbed off the little wet mark on her cheek, but she felt a little heat in her cheeks at the action. She dragged the corpse over to her, pulling out her sword and starting to skin and gut the creature, as Hana walked around, trying to find some wood for a fire.




Hana looked into the roaring fire with a bored look. She had nothing to do, while Aisha tore into her food ravenously, sending meat juices sizzling into the fire. She tore off a little chunk from a piece, roasting above the fire, and took a bite, chewing on the little piece of meat.


It was ok, but she didn't get the feeling of satisfaction that humes did when they ate. She grimaced at the greasy, hot, dripping thing in her hand, wiping her free hand on the grass. She didn't like it.


Her eyes lit up. "Hey, Aisha!"

Aisha's ears stood up at attention. "Hm?"

"Come here."


Aisha schooched herself over from the other side of the fire, still holding a bone in her hand.


"What?" She asked.


Hana pressed the little piece of meat into Aisha's mouth, relishing the feeling of her tongue on her soft fingertips. She giggled as Aisha licked around her mouth to clean herself.


Hana took the bone from Aisha's hands, tearing off chunks of meat and stuffing them into her mouth. With every piece she grew more bold, until she eventually stuffed four of her fingers into Aisha's mouth, her digits tingling as Aisha licked her fingers clean. Hana wiped at her own mouth with her free hand, starting to giggle lecherously and drool.


Aisha just looked at the infatuated, lusty look that Hana gave her and rolled her eyes. Her behavior was strange, to say the least, but it was also kind of… cute, the way she was so shocked at intimate gestures, and so eager to try out new cuddles. Aisha ogled at Hana's huge breasts, jiggling and heaving as the girl giggled.




Eventually the girls got on the road again, a slight bounce in Hana's flight as she hummed to herself happily.



"Oh my god." Aisha muttered.

"If you loved your mistress so much, why'd you leave her?"


Aisha froze in the middle of the path, her entire body tensing up. She had barely even talked about her mistress with anybody else.


"I don't want to talk about it." She muttered.

"Was it… ugly?"

"No. I just… After I'm done with all of this… I'm going to go back to her."

"What if she doesn't want you anymore?"


There was a long silence.


"If she doesn't want me anymore… then I don't have any reason to live."


Hana was silent. The message behind Aisha's words was better left unsaid.




"Wow, is that the capital?" Hana exclaimed.


"It's so big!"


Aisha felt a smile tug at the side of her lips at the succubus's wonder and amazed expression, over what Aisha saw pretty much every day. However, another matter was brought to attention.


"You can't go in looking like that." Aisha said. "You have to transform."

"What?" Hana whined. "For how long?"

"For a long time, I guess. As long as people can see you, you're going to have to look hume." Aisha said, pulling her hood over her head.

"That's… going to be difficult."

"What do you mean?" Aisha hissed.

"I can't hold it for that long! I can go for like… eight hours, tops." She said, winking at Aisha.

"...Mistress held it for an entire year."

Hana whistled. "Must have been super powerful then. Like, almost as powerful as a dragon!"


Aisha ran it through her head and… that sounded right to her. Mistress was amazing, so why not?


"Whatever. You can release it when we're alone, or something."


Hana groaned, but nonetheless her skin lightened up, her eyes turned to a soft brown, and her horns, wings and tail retracted into her body.


"Why are you naked?" Aisha asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You were wearing that small little thong and those… belts and stuff."

"Um… Those were just… illusions."

"You mean… you're just walking around naked all the time?"

"I couldn't show you because you fell asleep so fast." Hana pouted. "But I could have dissolved them into shadows."

"Well can't you do that again?"

"Ugh… That's going to drain my power even more. I think… about four hours."

"Should be plenty of time." Aisha muttered. "I'm going to leave after getting another contract."

"You're not going to stay?"

"No. There's no point."

"You don't have anything to do over there?"

"Not in particular."




"Is that the guild?" Hana asked, pointing to a pair of large, oaken doors, slightly ajar and emanating the smell of sweaty adventurers and the sound of laughter, as always.

Aisha opened the doors. "Yeah."


"Hey, it's the machine!"

"It's the girl!"

"The machine is back!"


Aisha grunted as she was instantly surrounded by half of the guild, hands slapping her back in a congratulatory manner. She was surprised, having never spoken to… well, any of them.


"Where's your plate?"

"Come on, show it to us!"

"Does she keep it on her?"


Aisha struggled a bit, eventually worming a hand into her pockets to pull out her shiny new plate. At the sight of it, roars and cheers echoed through the guild, and the slapping of backs returned.


Out of the corner of her eye, Aisha could spot Hana standing in the doorframe, giving her a genuine smile, unclouded with lust. The little gesture made her chest flutter…




"S-so we're going to go now, right?" Hana cried in desperation, sweating. "You already got your contract, a-and you got that crossbow..."


Aisha put a finger up to her lip. "Mmmm… I kind of want to buy some new clothes… and a sleeping roll... and I gotta find a place to put my old crossbow..."

Hana pulled on Aisha's shirt desperately. "No! I can't… I'm going to l-lose my transformation soon!"

She looked around fearfully, at all the guards, patrolling around in their black armor. "P-please! Let's goooooo!" She whined.


Aisha laughed.

"Calm down, I'm just messing with you."


Hana puffed out her cheeks and pouted at Aisha, smacking her back angrily.


"Hey!" Aisha smiled. "You don't hit as hard as you did before."

"Of course not, dummy!" Hana yelled, thumping on Aisha's back with both of her fists. "I have to keep up this stupid transformation, and these clothes-"

"Okay okay!" Aisha said. "...Are you saying that if we bought you clothes, we could stay longer?"


Hana's face sank. "No! Absolutely not! I hate clothes! I hate clothes! You can't make me wear them!"

"Alright… Im not going to make you, I guess. Let's go."

Hana's face lit up and she smiled brightly, smothering Aisha in a big hug and kissing her cheek. Aisha just smiled, absentmindedly rubbing her cheek.




Aisha made it as far as the gate before she bumped into someone she knew. She just gave the olive skinned man a blank stare, as Hana shifted uncomfortably behind her.


"Hey." Amir said. "Good job. You're not dead."

"Thanks." Aisha replied sarcastically. "Why have we been bumping into each other so much?"

"It's because I'm looking for you."


"Did you expect me to say, 'just some divine coincidence?' You need to get a consistent schedule."

"Whatever. What do you want…uh..."

"Amir." Amir said.


"Just checking up on you. If you want to see someone who actually wants something, you should visit Celeste."

"Why?" Aisha asked. "What does she want?"

"You." Amir said, frankly. "Aren't you two dating?"



"Can we go!?!?" Hana shrieked, desperately tugging on Aisha's sleeve. She turned around to look at Hana, and recoiled at the sight of her clothes beginning to go wispy, and her eye color starting smoke pink.

"Who's that?" Amir asked, tilting his head to look at Hana. His eyes widened at the sight of her. "Wait a minute..."


Aisha saw his expression go from confused, to amazed, to disappointed, to incredulous.

"Why would you…?" He asked.

"I don't have the time right now. I have to get her out of here." Aisha muttered.




Amir waited until they were out of earshot of the gate guards, now outside the east gate.


"YOU LOST!????" He yelled.

"Er… no." Aisha offered weakly. "I completed the contract."

"This time!" He exclaimed. "What about… literally any other time!?"

"I'll be fine." Aisha said, waving off Amir and attempting to walk past him.

Amir gripped Aisha's shoulder, stopping her from walking further. "You can't just wave this off! You know why I picked that contract?" Amir asked rhetorically. "It's because the succubus was the weakest thing on that board!"

"Hey!" Hana said.

Amir ignored her. "You're not going to be able to seduce your way out of every contract in platinum! Even if you could, how are you going to do any sapphire contracts?? Are you going to try to get a drake to sleep with you???"

"Well, she might be able to." Hana joked. "She's cute enough."

Amir ignored the succubus again, as if she didn't exist. "This isn't something that you can just shrug off! This is a real problem!" He said, urgently.

"What do you have right now?" He asked, holding out his hand for Aisha's contract. She reluctantly pressed the paper into his hands.

"An orc! Do you know what you're getting yourself into?"


"Orcs aren't those dumb, slow, idiot creatures that you see in stories! They're just as intelligent as humes, have just as much magic affinity, and are much stronger!


Do you know why I chose that succubus contract? Because succubi don't travel in groups! Are you prepared to deal with multiple, magic-using, extremely strong, intelligent creatures?"



"I can do it." Aisha said.

"...Fine. I'll leave you to it. Don't let your overconfidence kill you." Amir warned.


With that, the olive-skinned man left, turning on his heel and walking back to the city. Aisha watched as his retreating form became a blob in the distance.


Hana laid her arms on Aisha's shoulders, no longer disguised.


"Hey, um… I'll help you! On your contract." She said bubbilly.

"Thanks, but… I'll be fine."

"Really? You know… he was kind of right."

"I have a plan." Aisha said softly. "This time, it's going to work."