The Orc Village

"This is your plan!?" Hana whispered aggressively.

"Yes." Aisha whispered back in a low tone.

"You're literally just going to wait here until a lone orc comes through?? What if it's not the one you're looking for!??"

"That's ok. I don't think that the client can tell them apart."

"What makes you say that?"




"I-It was a huge orc! 50 feet tall! I-I- was just walking on the road, minding my own business, when he jumped out of the bushes, a-and sneak attacked me!"

"Uh… a 50 foot tall orc… snuck up on you?"

"Uh… yeah! And then he threatened to rape me, and my husband, and then he threatened to kill my dog too!"



"...What did he look like?" Aisha asked.

"Big and green! And ugly!"

"Er… do you have any other descriptors?"

"What else do you need to know!???"



"It's a hunch."

Hana pouted, pursing her lips. "I hope you're not making me sit up here in the trees just for a hunch."

"Don't worry about it."


Aisha motioned for Hana to stop talking, hearing footsteps in the distance. She leaned over on her branch, listening. Her ears twitched and turned, trying to discern out the sound of orcs from the sounds of the forest.


The footsteps grew closer, and Aisha carefully grabbed her crossbow from beside her-


"Oh. It was just a deer." She said, frowning.

"Ughhhhh!" Hana groaned. "It's just been deer for hours! Why don't we take a break! Let's *******..."

"...We're in the trees."

"It would be fun!"


Aisha scoffed, but the edge of her lips couldn't help but curl up into a small smile.


"Maybe later." She said, staring off into the distance.

"Mmm… if you get into trouble, I'll come and help you!" Hana said with determination.

"I'm going to win this time." Aisha assured.


"Ok then."




Four hours later, and the sun was starting to blaze above the two girls, orcs still nowhere to be found. A bead of sweat dripped down Aisha's forehead, not because of the heat, but because Hana was starting to get… handsy.


"Come on..." Hana whispered breathily. "Just a little… **** ** ***** ***** ********* ** *****... just for a bit to pass the time?"


Hana draped her arms over Aisha's shoulders, whispering into her fluffy ears, and pressing her massive breasts into her back. Aisha leaned back in relaxment, grabbing a stray tail and setting it in her lap, playing with the edges absentmindedly and rubbing the slick surface with a gloved fingertip.


"Mmm..." She sighed.

"Why can't I get you to have sex with me?" Hana whined. "Are you a nun?"

"I just like to cuddle more." Aisha murmured.

"You're so dirty."


Aisha just let out a deep breath, closing her eyes and snuggling deeper into Hana's arms.


"Hey, what's this black stuff on the ends of your arms and legs?" Aisha asked.

"Hm?" Hana lifted up her hands to her face.


Aisha turned around and pointed at Hana's arms, which were coated in a sleek, black material, like a pair of thin, clawed gloves. A similar material was on her feet, also ending in small claws. She reached out and grabbed Hana's hand, eyes lighting up as she realized what the material was.


"It's fur!" She cried in excitement, grabbing both of Hana's arms and pulling them up to her face. She nuzzled into them happily, letting out a happy whine.

"It's so fluffyyyyy!!!" Aisha squealed.


Hana blushed as Aisha nuzzled her face into her arms, mewling happily like a kitten with cream. She couldn't even raise her arms to cover her face, as they were trapped in Aisha's iron grip.


"H-hey! It's just f-fur! You've got it too!" She wailed.

"I can't fluff my own ears." Aisha pouted. "Plus, it's different when it's someone else's fluff!"


Hana just squirmed in embarrassment, panting slightly in arousal at the adorable sight.


"Let's-" She started.


"And then I said, that sounds like something a Chijak would say!" A deep, gruff voice sounded.


As laughter sounded throughout the clearing, Aisha quickly removed herself from Hana's arms, leaning over her perch to cautiously observe the small path in front of her. Hana fell backwards, almost squeaking as she started to fall, but quickly regained her balance, levitating slightly.


Aisha's eyes narrowed as she saw a group of four orcs, looking like humes, but with a dull green skin tone, red hair, and extremely muscular, well-built bodies. They strode through the forest confidently, carrying the carcass of some large, furry animal.


"How should we cook this catch?" One asked.

"Uh… maybe cut it into steaks?"

"I haven't had a nice roast in a while. Also, I think we're running low on duck fat..."


As Aisha listened in on their conversation, Hana floated over to her slowly, whispering in her ear.


"So what's your plan? You've found them."

"Uh…" Aisha shifted sheepishly. "We wait… until one of them splits off?"



Aisha didn't even bother trying to cup her hand over Hana's mouth, just sighing visibly in defeat, disappointment, and put her face into her hands. She grabbed Hana's hand, and attempted to run away into the treeline, before something hit her in the back of the head, sending her into unconsciousness.




Aisha awoke in a small, tattery bed, head propped up on a really uncomfortable pillow. Upon further inspection, the pillow was actually a rock, and she was just laying on top of a pile of dead leaves. She groaned, rubbing the back of her head. She checked her arms and legs, and surprisingly, she felt no restraints or chains.


(Stupid succubus…



I should find her.)


Aisha sighed, grumbling and rubbing the back of her head. She felt around for her crossbow and sword, but they were noticeably absent from her person.


(Strange… they took my weapons, but didn't kill or bind me?)


"You awake?" Came a deep, gravelly, uncomfortably close voice. Aisha visibly jumped, turning around quickly to address the orc behind her.


The orc raised his hands at the sight of the panicked fey girl, attempting to show pacifism.


"Hey! Whoa. I'm not going to hurt you." He said.

"You might have given me a concussion." Aisha growled.

The orc rubbed the back of his neck. "Look man, I'm sorry. We just heard rustling, and we just acted on instinct."

"Why'd you take my weapons? Where's Hana?"

"We freed you from that succubus's spell!" The orc said triumphantly. "You don't need to worry about her. We were just worried that you might try to use your weapons and… hurt yourself."


The comment was unsaid, but the implication was there. Aisha was not even… a threat to these people.


"Where's Hana." She asked again, in a low voice.

"You don't have to worry about her! Nice guns, by the way!"

"I'm not under a spell, idiot! Where is she!?" Aisha demanded.

"Where is she!? " Aisha asked again in desperation, as the fear of what the orcs could have done to Hana hit her. "I-I-I swear! I-"

"Uh… we took her back to the camp."

"To do what!?"

"Uh, to have her magic sealed by our shamans, I think."


Aisha visibly relaxed at the confirmation that Hana wouldn't be killed, but worry still filled her heart.


"Where's your camp?" Aisha demanded.


The orc pointed in a direction, and Aisha took off like a rocket, sprinting through the forest and wincing as branches cut into her arms, taking huge lacerations on her arms and shoulders .




Aisha saw the orcs' camp right as it entered her vision, slamming straight into the tall, wooden walls of the compound, headfirst. She groaned, her head ringing, her lungs burning… and her nose bloody and broken. Nonetheless, she vaulted the wall, leaving a trail of blood from her cuts and nose.


Aisha stumbled up to the first orc she saw, coughing and sending blood all over the ground.


"Where's… Hana!" She coughed out.

"Holy shit dude!" The gruff orc exclaimed. "You're bleeding… really bad!"


The orc turned around, holding up his hand to his mouth like a megaphone.

"Yo, is there anybody here? There's an injured Juwai here!"


Aisha gripped the orc's arm as more appeared around huts, and from across the camp.


"Where is Hana!?" She screamed.

The orc turned around in surprise, as if hearing her words for the first time. "Uh… the daemon?"

"Yes! Where is she!???"



"Jeez!" The orc said, in his deep voice. "I think she's over there!"


Aisha took off again, in the direction that the orc pointed in. The orcs that had gathered there murmured amongst themselves, confused as to the bleeding girl's strange behavior.




Aisha finally arrived at where she assumed the orcs were holding Hana, the only non-cloth building, instead a large pit in the ground with large iron bars covering the entrance. Aisha dropped through the bars easily, obviously not meant for a hume not… orc sized. She could vaguely hear a deep "hey!" from behind her, but she ignored it.


At the sight of the small girl, Hana threw her body at Aisha, wrapping her arms around her small frame in a death grip, crying and sniffling.


"You're here! Y-y-you're here!" She cried through tears.

"I'm so sorry!" Hana wailed. "I saw them knock you out, but-but I co-couldn't do anything, so I ran, but they caught me, and then they took me to their scary jail, a-a=and-and nowthey'regoingtokillandeatmeeeeee!!!!"


Aisha held the tall, crying daemon in her arms, shaking quite a bit herself, taking shuddering breaths, her head ringing and dizzy. She pressed her nose deep into Hana's shoulder, her vision going blurry as she rubbed blood all over her.


"A-are you ok?" Hana sniffled.

"Y-yeah..." Aisha slurred, her breathing starting to slow. She could vaguely hear the voices of orcs from above them, muttering.


"Yeah, she's in here. Jumped straight through the bars."

"I didn't know a charm could last so long."

"Maybe it's not a charm. Look down there."


Aisha blacked out.




Aisha awoke once more, this time in an actual bed, covered in bandages and soft sheets. She groaned again, coughing and rolling over onto her side.


She caught the glimpse of the top half of Hana's face, visibly worried and eyes shining concerned. Aisha smiled at the sight of her, relieved that the girl was at least safe. She reached out weakly for a hug, but her arms were weak.


Hana took the hint and climbed into bed with Aisha, lifting up the covers and sliding in, smushing Aisha in her breast and running her fur-lined arms over Aisha's bare back. Aisha snuggled into the embrace, whining happily, and tangling her legs with Hana's, enjoying the feeling of the fluff on Hana's legs.


"I'm sowwwy..." Hana mumbled sheepishly. "It's all my fault you're like this."

"Yeah." Aisha said.

"...W-well... I…"

"If you just hug and hold, I'll forgive you."

"Ok!" Hana smiled.


"Aww… That's so cute. I've never seen a daemon do that." Sounded a gruff, female voice from outside the tent.


Aisha didn't even bother trying to get a look at who spoke, too tired and cuddle-drunk to care. She closed her eyes and took Hana's spade-tail into her mouth, sucking and licking on the appendage like a lollipop.


"I-is this good enough for you!?" Hana shivered, whimpering at the licks. "S-she's not… Aaahhn! S-she's not charmed!"

"Mmmmnnnnot charmed." Aisha murmured, a bit of saliva dripping onto the sheets..


The orc woman outside the tent laughed, closing the flap and leaving to go somewhere else.




"H-hey! Stop. Ahh OHhh… Stop licking my taiiiIIIIIIIIIIIl!" Hana keened.

"Whyyyy?" Aisha asked softly. "Is it like… sensitiveeeee?"

"It's like… a tongue..."

"Then we're kissing!" Aisha giggled deliriously. "Mwah! Hee hee..."

"I-I think you've lost too much blood..."

"Nooooo!" Aisha whined. "More huggggssssss… give me headpats! I demand them!"


Aisha giggled and mewled as Hana put her hand on top of Aisha's head and began to pat her ears up and down.


"Oh… you're so cute like this..." Hana muttered. "You're going to make me lose my touch at actual seduction...'

"Giv me moar kisses!" Aisha demanded. "Nyaaaaa..."

"Are you a cat?" Hana giggled.

"I'm a… a-a… a hume!" Aisha slurred. "Wuh uh… what sound do humes make?"

"Go to sleep." Hana said. "You have to rest."

"I don't wanna." Aisha whined childishly.

"I'll… uh… stop hugging you!"

"NNnnnnnnnnuuuu!" Aisha protested. "I'll… go to sleep if you… call me a good girl." She whispered. "And tell me you love me."

Hana's face heated up to a volcanic heat, and her heart began to feel all fluttery and light, beating out of her chest. "I… l-l-love-love y-you." She stuttered. "And you're my good girl."

"Yay!" Aisha cheered. "Mmmmmm…"


Hana let out a deep breath as Aisha's squirming and licking slowed down, and her body began to slow down. She tried to get up and get someone to help her, but stayed, at the broken mew of panic that Aisha let out. Hana laid in bed, flushed red, stroking Aisha's back and head, listening to her soft mewls of adoration.




Aisha cracked an eye open slowly, snuggled deeply into a squishy, lovely embrace… and quickly shut it.


"I saw that!" Hana said accusingly. "Get up!"

"...mmmnnnndon't wanna." Aisha mumbled.


Hana puffed out her cheeks and climbed out of the massive bed, struggling to lift the heavy blanket off of their bodies. Aisha squirmed at the lack of warmth, rolling back and forth slowly, over the sheets.


"Come on. We should go." Hana said, exasperated.

"I'm tired." Aisha said tiredly. "I wanna go back to bed."

"You're tired because you've lost a gallon of blood!" Hana shrieked. "You're dying!"

"MMmmmnnnn….." Aisha pursed her lips. "Cuddles will heal me."


Hana just gave Aisha a stern look, and walked out of the tent, huffing. After a few minutes, a tall, female orc entered the tent.


"Who are you?" Aisha asked weakly.

"I'm your nurse." The orc responded, in a surprisingly light voice. "You're going to have to eat something. You've lost a ton of blood. It's dining time right now, so you woke up at a good time."

"Ugh..." Aisha replied sluggishly. "I can't move..."

"I'll help you up. Come on."

"...I want Hana." Aisha said quietly.


The orc gave Aisha a sly look, chuckling slightly to herself as she exited the tent. A few seconds passed, and then Hana re-entered the tent, looking slightly annoyed.


"Are you leaving now?" She asked, crossing her arms over her cleavage.

"Carry me." Aisha said softly. "I'm too weak to walk by myself."

"That's why you called me in here?" Hana squawked. "Couldn't the orc do that!?"

"But I want you..."


Hana blushed red and reluctantly floated over to the bed, scooping her arms under Aisha's legs and neck, picking her up in a princess carry. She grimaced as the tent flap rubbed against her face as she left, with no hands free to move the heavy thing.


Aisha smiled happily and wrapped her arms around Hana's neck, nuzzling her chest and sending heat through Hana's face.




When Hana arrived at the outdoor dining hall, filled with aromatic food and giant platters, whistling and laughter could be heard all around the tables. Hana turned red and tried vainly to remove Aisha's head from her neck, but she just couldn't bear to force the love-struck, injured girl from her comfortable spot.


An orc patted a seat next to him, at the end of a table and Hana hurried over, dumping Aisha on the seat. She whined softly as Hana quickly separated herself from both the clingy girl, and the 8-foot tall, extremely muscular orcs.


Aisha sat up on the table, and was hit with the reality that her feet didn't even touch the floor, and she was eye-level with the top of the table, made for orcs almost twice her height.


The orc next to her chuckled good naturedly. "Sorry." He turned around, yelling behind him. "Can we get a stool, or something?"

"It's no problem." Aisha said.



Aisha turned around and motioned for Hana to sit down at the end of the table, patting the large space next to her. The nervous succubus shook her head, but at the insistent patting of the spot from Aisha, she reluctantly came over and sat down next to Aisha, pressing their thighs together.


"What do you need?" She whispered.


Aisha didn't bother answering, instead vying to climb into Hana's lap, beaming triumphantly as she reached for a plate at the end of the table. Hana's mouth opened and closed like a fish, shocked at the gesture, as the orcs around her laughed.


"Feed me." Aisha demanded.

"No!" Hana blushed, horrified. "T-they're all looking at us!! They're laughing at us!!"

"Who cares?"

"I care! It's embarrassing! And you can feed yourself!"


Aisha relented, smiling as she reached across the table and grabbed a leg of some animal, tearing into the meat ravenously.


Even more attention was brought to the little fey girl, and by extension, the embarrassed demon whose lap she sat on, as slowly, the entire body of a deer disappeared into her stomach.


"Damn, girl!" An orc chortled near her. "You eat like an orc! Must have lost a lot of blood!"

"She always eats like this." Hana muttered. "She's a little eating machina."

"Mmnn." The orc mused. "It must be to fuel those nice muscles! Look at that tone!"


The orc pointed to Aisha's shoulders, and a chorus of agreement sounded around the table, admiring the definition in her arms. The orc laughed and held out his fist for Aisha to bump. The girl just stared at the outstretched appendage.


"It's a fist bump!" The orc said. "Come on, Fey don't have fistbumps?"

"No, they do." Aisha said.


The orc just sat there, frozen in thought for a second. After he realized what Aisha was doing, he laughed mirthfully, patting Aisha on the back. Even though he tried his best to hold back on his strength, Aisha still grunted as her chest was sent into the side of the table.


"Haha! Sorry about that." The orc said. "You're still injured."

"It's ok." Aisha muttered. "Thanks for the food."

"Err… There's probably a lot more I should apologize for. I was one of the guys who knocked you out. Sorry about that. And then we locked up your girlfriend too- man, we really screwed up." The orc held out his hand. "My name's Richard. It's nice to meet you."


Aisha ignored the hand. "You're quite polite. Your entire village is. Aren't orcs supposed to be servants of the darkness, or whatever that crap was? Fat, dumb… and stuff?"

"Aisha!" Hana said, horrified. "You shouldn't say that!"

"No, no, it's ok." Richard said. "It's understandable. I don't know about other orcs, but at a certain point, our village just got… tired of the whole, servants of darkness thing. We decided that it would be better to just leave ourselves out of hume conflicts, and focus on ourselves."

"What do you mean, servants of darkness?" Hana asked.

"You haven't heard of that?" The orc asked, surprised. Hana shook her head.


"Well, it's a long story. Supposedly, the orcs, goblins, trolls, daemons… all those races. They were all created as a sort of balance, to balance out the… the uh… good races. Like humes, fey, you know, all that jazz. They were created to serve the "bad side," you know, by Zaris, and Seirth, and all the elder gods. That's what the gods told the first orcs, and since then it's been passed down, ever since then, in our stories, in our books, from parent to child... Well anyways, after a certain point, us orcs just decided... That kinda sucks, you know? Why do we have to serve someone? Why do we have to be on the "bad side?" And so we tried a bunch of stuff, and eventually we just decided we didn't care."


The orc turned to Aisha excitedly. "Hey, have you heard the story of Attilla? It's my favorite!"

"It's everyone's favorite." Someone called from down the table. "He's the only orc that actually has a story!"


Aisha shook her head no.


"Well," The orc continued. "It was during the second mage war,-"

"Huh?" Aisha said. "What are the mage wars? I've never heard of those."


"Er, I think it's some stupid hume thing. They go to war a lot, we don't really keep track.


Anyways, it was during the second mage war, that you know, the orcs were called to serve the dark mages or something, and we were basically used as cannon fodder, to absorb mage fire. Thousands of orcs died to no end, just to fuel the humes' conflict.

Some orcs decided that they didn't want to be on the bad side anymore, so they switched sides! They were promised glory and righteousness from the humes. They were told that they could "redeem themselves," you know, from their "sins."


But then on the other side, they were just used as cannon fodder again! Brother was pit against brother, and even more orcs died! But they still fought. The orcs that served the dark mages did so because it was what the gods told us we were meant to do. It was our purpose! We didn't want to know how the gods would punish us if we strayed from it. And the ones that served the other side, did so because they wanted to redeem themselves! They believed that the gods would give them redemption, if they showed that they could do good!


It was at this point, that a young Attilla, fought in the mage wars. Initially, he fought on the side of evil, wanting to support his brothers and sisters. But when he was unable to save them in battle, he decided to switch to the side of good, to redeem the orcs and win a better future for his brethren.


But after fighting on both sides, Attila witnessed the same atrocities, committed by both sides. He realized that there was no real such thing as good versus bad. Both sides of the war were just fighting for their own selfish gain. He feared the gods, but he realized… that there wasn't really a thing as "good" or "bad." It was just something that the humes used to claim the support of the gods.


So he sent himself into exile to train himself. He realized that he didn't want to serve anyone but himself. He travelled the world, training his body and spirit, and focused on improving himself, rather than meddling in the affairs of other people.


Eventually Attilla returned, to save his people from the bindings of humes. He pulled them from the wretched trenches, and brought them home to the forests, where they could live in peace. Of course, the humes were furious, and demanded that Atttilla stop. When he refused, both armies turned on him, and you know what happened?"


"Uh-" Aisha started.


"Attilla single-handedly fought off both armies, and brought all the orcs out of the war. Now we're here." The orc finished excitedly.


Aisha paused for a bit.


"...That doesn't sound right. If he saved ALL the orcs, then how come only YOUR village-"

"It doesn't matter." The orc waved her off. "All that matters now is that the orcs in our village only care about self-improvement. That's what the story of Attilla taught us, and it's served us much better than any humes."

"Is that why everybody in this village is so… muscular?" Aisha asked.

"Damn right it is!" The orc said, flexing his massive muscles.

"Ok, I have another question."


"Why the fuck are you all naked?"


"...I dunno, why are you wearing clothes?"

"Modesty?" Aisha offered. "Protection?"

"Eh." The orc shrugged. "I'm home. Why do I need those?"

"Fair enough."


The eating continued through the evening, the sun slowly falling over the orc village.


"Don't you guys have any rice?" Aisha asked.

"Too many carbs. Eat some more protein!"




It was nightfall when Aisha finished eating, and Hana picked her back up like a scruffed kitten, fully intent on leaving the village-


"Hey! Put me down!" Aisha whined.

"Why? We need to go!"

"There's still something I need to do."


"..." Aisha was silent.

Realization came to Hana. "...Wait a minute… you're still…"


"Oh my god."


Aisha reached over and tapped Richard on the shoulder.

"Hey. I still need something from you guys."

"What's up?"

"Let's have a duel."