As always, in my dream, I wandered through the woods, which led to some small wooden house.
Warm wind was felt from all sides and there were small clouds in the sky, which were of different shapes. Seeing a turtle, a dog among them, I was amazed at how inventive nature is.
I was not in a hurry to get to that house, I liked to walk barefoot on the path, which was in the middle of an ocean of colorful flowers and green grass.
I looked straight ahead and this house seemed to belong to me and someone else.
And I knew that if I opened the door or looked out the window, I would see someone. But who?
Waking up from a knock on the door, I ran forward in fear, still seeing that house in front of me.
Half asleep, I was able to see Sennhandd.
"Did I wake you up?" he asked, and when a cool wind with the smell of iron was blowing out of my window, I was completely awake.
"Why are you here? Why do you even want to be my friend? I'm a simple man."
Noticing that he just won't leave, I suddenly had a thought that suddenly this person feels for me. Remembering all the novels I had read about love and the fact that a person could fall in love before, I suddenly felt a little scared. After all, his look was actually a little strange and at the same time sad.
"There's someone who wants to meet you," he said, and looked toward the door.
I thought this strange scientist was already starting to see ghosts, because no one ever showed up in front of me.
"What are you even doing? You know you're very strange, don't you?"
"Please come in," he said, and looked again toward the door. But again, no one was there.
Unable to tolerate his strangeness, I stood up and said, "Please leave."
As soon as I came to the door, I was speechless.
Suddenly, there was a creature in a long white robe in front of me. And this creature reminded me of Comet.
It was the Wizard.
Looking at me a little frightened, it took a few steps back.
I didn't know what to say. All words and all thoughts became meaningless.
Me and this creature just stood in a long hallway and looked at each other as if we had seen something terrible.
Those big black eyes, which seemed to burn millions of stars, just made me take a few steps in its direction.
Yes, of course, it was one of the Wizards, but nevertheless, this one was very different from the rest.
Suddenly, a poet woke up in me and I was no longer afraid of what I saw in front of me.
After all, in front of me, stood a creature with big black eyes, with a small nose that resembled the nose of a small lion cub, with bright red lips and with three golden patterns in the form of a vortex on the temples and between two thick, perfectly drawn lines of eyebrows.
This creature had all the qualities that could be described for ages.
Long hair, which without touch said that they are softest thing on this planet, long neck, smooth posture, tall figure, a slender body, it is impossible to be gentle and at the same time full of strength, and most importantly, this duality, concealed the beauty of women and men.
Now, I was just picking up the right metaphors that could describe the beauty and uniqueness that was in front of me.
I don't know how long it's been, but I knew one thing that the creature that's standing in front of me has to live forever. It must be happy and never know sadness and cruelty.
"Okinizeus, this is my gift to you," Sennhandd said and put his hand on my shoulder.
I couldn't tell him anything or object. I was still shocked, trying to describe this full of kindness and mystery look. A look that did not belong to a woman or a man.
"I know you don't like everything I do. I know you're against having a WIZARD in this world. But still, I want you to understand that my intentions are pure. I'm just a scientist who can't stop creating. And this creature, I created it for you."
I looked at Sennhandd and I still couldn't say anything. Although it was only in my head, "This creature will only live five years."
"You don't have to feel like a stranger in this world. Believe me, this world isn't as scary as you think. Just believe me," he continued to say.
"How can you look so calm when you have a creature standing in front of you that cannot even comprehend eternity?" I asked.
Now, I was angry. I felt nothing but anger.
"Why didn't you make them immortal? Why? Or do you want to cheer everyone up with the death of these innocent creatures?"
"It's not like that! Believe me, it's not! You don't think I'm working to make them immortal? I'm working on it every day! And believe me, it's very difficult. These creatures, they are connected to the universe itself, they are bound by magic. And I didn't know it was going to be that hard!"
"But then why did you even create them?"
Sennhandd lowered his head as if he were blaming himself for what he had created. For a moment, I felt sorry for this man for having such a difficult fate of genius.
"I'm just a scientist. And I think it's true, I don't know any boundaries. It's just science in my head. And I can't stop inventing and creating. Yes, it's my fault, I'm weak, because I'm going about my ego. I know all this very well. But I promise you, I will do everything to make every such being immortal! I promise!"
For the first time in that time, the creature took a few steps forward and put his thin hand with long fingers on Sennhandd's back, with a melodic and a little rough, but at the same time in a gentle voice, said, "Don't worry. Everything will come in due course. Just calm down."
And then, I was speechless again.
This creature seemed to know all the answers to all the questions that exist in the universe.
"I promise you. I promise you both that I will do everything to make them live forever," he said again and before I could object and refuse to accept this creature, he quickly walked away.
Suddenly, I was laughing. Everything was so funny that I couldn't help laughing and just fell to the floor.
Well, the creature kept looking at me.
I couldn't leave this creature in my house. I wanted to return it back. But will I be able to do it after I've already seen this creature?
Catching the sincerest look, I have ever seen, I stopped laughing. Looking at this creature, I doubted that I would be able to send this creature to where it was created.