That night, I couldn't sleep. Instead, I just sat in the corner of my room and looked at someone who was sleeping quietly on my bed.
Suddenly, I became an indecisive person who did not know what to do.
Should I have sent this creature back to where it was created?
That's all I've been thinking about all night. All night long I dared not take my eyes off this creature, who slept peacefully and at the same time smiled a little.
Perhaps it saw some kind of beautiful dream. After all, such a creature can only see beautiful dreams.
When morning came, I quickly left the room and headed to the first floor.
Noticing me, my mother said, "Good morning."
I noticed from her face that she knew about our new guest. She also knew that Sennhandd was going to give me a Wizard.
"You knew?"
"Yes. Sennhandd first asked me for permission. And I thought, "You need a friend who will fulfill your wishes, and in general, maybe he will help you write a book."
"Do you even hear yourself?"
"What's the big deal? Moreover, everyone has such creatures. Now, if there's no Wizard in the house, it's weird."
I stopped recognizing my mom.
"I need to send this creature back," I said, and quickly left the house.
I thought I'd go to SCIBMAG, but instead, I just sat on the artificial grass that was behind our house.
From the second-floor window, I could see my mother working on another sculpture.
All my thoughts got confused, and I couldn't make such a simple decision as just taking this creature back to the lab. What's bothering me?
After a few minutes of thinking, I ran headlong back into the house.
When I opened the door of my room, I found that the creature had gone somewhere. It wasn't in the room.
I wanted to shout and call it, but I didn't know what was its name. And instead, I just started looking into every empty room.
There were 10 rooms in our house. And only three of them were being used. My mother and I have rooms and of course a workshop. The other 7 rooms were empty and had already become something like a habitat for ghosts.
After reading many books about ghosts and cursed houses, my imagination was well developed. And so, now, walking down a long, mirrored corridor, I felt a little scared.
And when I opened the almost invisible doors, which opened with a strange sound, I expected to see in front of me some monster or ancient ghost, who would ask, "What are you doing on my lands?"
But nothing like this happened, it was the most ordinary rooms. Empty rooms where there were only mirrors.
Everywhere I saw my reflection and from every movement of my legs or hands, I shuddered. But it was just me.
"Where are you?"
When I reached the end of the corridor, I took a deep breath and feared, shouting loudly, "Wherever you are, give me a sign! I don't have time to play hide-and-seek with you!"
Suddenly, I heard a rumbling that seemed as if something heavy had fallen.
Running quickly towards the sound, I stopped in front of the bathroom.
Hearing the sound of water, I quickly opened the door and finally found this creature.
The creature, looking at the water flowing out of nowhere, did not pay any attention to me.
At the same time, all "his" clothes and hair were completely wet.
"What are you doing?"
"What's that?" the creature asked, continuing to watch as the water poured on the floor.
By quickly pressing the button on the wall, I stopped the flow of water.
"What is this?" it asked again, only this time, it looked at me.
And why every time this creature looks at me, I get lost?
"Don't do it anymore," I said and marveled at what I just said. "Don't do it anymore."
Noticing that it was trembling from the cold, I took a towel and gave it to this creature.
"It's water. Something without which there would be no life."
The creature kept looking at me. I was very confused by this look.
"Water. But it's not real water," it suddenly said. "This water has a smell."
"Yes. It's not real water. It's just a substance that was created after real water disappeared. But this water, much cleaner."
"Have you seen the real water? The ocean?" it asked, and continued to look at me like a robot.
"Let's go. You can't stay here," I finally said, and quickly left the room.
Picking up the clothes for this creature, I said, "You need to change. You're not going like this. And besides, what kind of dress is that? Although Sennhandd is smart, he doesn't have any sense of style at all."
"Style," the creature repeated.
"Yes. Style. Now, take off your clothes and put on these clothes."
But it seems that this creature knew nothing.
"You need to take off those clothes," I said, and lifting "his" hands up, quickly took off his wet clothes.
And even after the clothes were taken off, this creature did not move. Continuing to look at me, he didn't even realize that he needed to be ashamed. Although, this creature had nothing to close or be ashamed of.
As Sennhandd said, "These creatures are absolutely genderless."
The snow-white skin looked very delicate. The muscles of this creature's body were tense and it was evident that if necessary, it could be strong. Although at the same time, thin hands and this waist, said that this creature is very fragile and tender.
Suddenly, I wanted to touch this white skin.
And I even forgot that the Wizards can read minds.
Taking my hand, it put my palm in the place where the heart was.
Looking at me, this creature said, "This is your first wish."
Feeling a strange heat, which was slightly burning my palm, as well as too fast heartbeat, I again lost my speech.
And one thing I realized is that I could stand like this for ages.
"Oki, look!" I heard my mother's voice, but I couldn't take my eyes off this creature and get my hands off his or her heart.
"What are you doing?" mother asked.
When I came to my senses, I lowered my eyes down, as if I had something to feel ashamed of.
"So that's what this creature looks like. Very beautiful and unusual," mom said, making a circle around the creature.
"I want to take it back. I don't think I need a Wizard."
"What? But why?"
"Believe me. My life is so beautiful, and without such a being."
"But it's a gift. Sennhandd must have worked hard to create such a masterpiece."
"Mom, if it's not hard for you, put this on. I'll wait outside the house."
My heart was still beating like I was running all day. And nothing could calm me down. Never before, I've experienced anything like this.
Dizziness, this look, millions of stars on a black background, I just could not think clearly.
And most importantly, I was afraid of the truth.
The truth was that I didn't want to send this creature back.
And that scared me.
"Oki, look at the beauty."
I turned to my mother's voice and my heart started beating even faster.
"What's wrong with you? You're not feeling well?"
Now, when this creature was wearing my clothes, my dark green shirt and my black trousers, I just couldn't say anything.
"During this time, it managed to fulfill one of my wishes. I finally tried that cake that everyone's talking about," my mother said tenderly as she looked at the gentleman who was still looking at me.
"Mom, it's time for us to go," I said, even if I didn't want to give this masterpiece back.