Ghasts X

Doctor Warner stayed in the chamber she prepared specifically for running tests on subject affected by the unusual sickness. Given the recent events, where people died in strange conditions before their bodies raised from dead, she asked for additional guards both inside and outside of the room.

Previous victims of this sickness already stopped reacting to any stimuli, so this very soldier named Bell was the very last subject she could focus on while he is still alive.

While having access to specialist equipment, she had to spend time on calibrating the device and analyzing the data, but - from early on - the numbers and graphs were all over the place.

- Focus, just focus - Kate kept talking to herself, going through the log she was getting from the capsule - There must be something I'm missing.

Moving her hands, sliding screens and bunching them in chunks for easier analysis, she facepalmed after noticing something so obvious. Too focused on the graphs, doctor Warner completely missed crucial clue. Not waiting anymore, she called for one of the guards for comparison check.

Soon after, having the results from another person, Kate put results from two different people on top of each other, and what she thought just a moment ago became way too apparent. Though peaks in sick Bell's graphs were indeed showing values exceeding normal brain activity, they were still within the safe boundaries according to doctor Warner's knowledge, but what was unusual was the wavelength, for which changes were occurring way too frequent.

On one hand, it was an exciting finding, but on the other - something extremely dangerous for the patient's life. Kate had no doubt - should this kind of trend continue, the brain functions would start deteriorating over time.

- Ok, so something was ineed eating at their minds - she continued thinking - Now, to find out the root cause.

While learning that electromagnetism around the obelisk affects human brains was already an amazing discovery, it could not be treated as a full success since she did not know the full mechanism behind the processes happening inside of Bell's head. So, she could warn others to stay away from the obelisks, the unusual electromagnetic noise to be precise. Then again, for her as a doctor, finding a way to treat such patient was of utmost importance.

Despite doctor Warner's struggle and putting her whole into investigating, first - seconds were turning to minutes, next - minutes started turning to hours. Then, the soldier got another seizure, and she did not manage to save his life.

Angry to the very limit, and cursing loudly, Kate left the room, instructing soldiers to keep an eye on the body, remembering what happened to those who got this sickness before him.

In the past, whenever she experienced a patient passing, which was unusual for her, doctor Warner would go through a really hard time, and stay away from her job for weeks. However, in their current circumstances, she could not afford to do that.

Yet another meeting of the team representatives was called. Kate stormed inside in a way that picked everyone's attention.

- I guess something must've happened - said Hubert, looking at doctor Warner from his seat in the corner of the room - Do you have any news for us, Kate?

She took one of free seats, and sat down, sighing loud before saying anything.

- Where do I even start? - Kate started her PEC and turned on the broadcast mode - It seems everything's related to electromagnetic activity around the obelisks. That noise you've noticed there - she turned to Martin - That mist or whatever you call it, it affects brain cells. Now that I had a living proof, it was easier to monitor the process, and I'm now sure that - however crazily that may sound - it turns people in zombies.

Others looked at each other - they did have some speculations based on their observations until now, but getting the confirmation still struck them as something out of the world, something no one ever expected.

- Ok, so we know there are some kind of irregular electromagnetic signatures within the obelisks barriers - Martin started analyzing what Kate just said - and getting in contact with these causes people to die and then behave like some zombies from a third-rate classic movie?

- You've put it as some kind of joke, and this is a serious matter here - doctor Warner complained - This not usual disease like flu we've got on Earth!

- So, what is it then? - Rashid, who was staying quiet until now, asked - You say it's not like flu... Then, do you have anything that could cure that state?

Kate shook her head.

- It's just like you all probably guessed already. I have no way of treating people who get it - she said - The only thing we've got confirmed so far is that this 'signature', as we've labeled it, affects electric signals within human body, destroying communication between cells. It may work in a similar way to getting electorocuted, and - if that's the case - I have no other idea as to how we can fight it other than staying away from the source of the problem.

Others nodded, and there was a silence for a moment until Hubert spoke:

- Ok, so as long as we stay away from these obelisks we should be fine?

- Given it is the only place where we can encounter these signatures, then yes - doctor Warner replied - Then again, we have no idea if this can be contagious so we will have to monitor anyone who had contact with the people who got in contact with the victims.

- Can't we then create devices to detect this weird anomalies? - Rashid suggested, his eyes turning to Martin - You did capture that 'signature' in recent encounter, right? How many devices can we get?

Johnson shrugged.

- Hard to say, honestly. It depends if we can dismantle some other stuff.

- As long as it is not the equipment we may be needing.

Martin sighed.

- Not that many. With resources we have, something between twenty or thirty for personal use, but we could always make some stationary ones and built-in for vehicles. Having proper pairing we can have numerous PECs connecting simultaneously. Still, it's not perfect for scouting.

- Ok, so let's first prepare stationary ones to secure the area of the camp, and equip all vehicles. After that, we can think about personal ones that could be distributed within respective groups - Rashid suggested - Is everyone okay with that?

Remaining people looked at each other, thinking.

- As long as personal devices are distriubuted evenly, I'm fine with that - Dubois gave a conditional confirmation.

Others did not raise any objections.

- Ok, I guess I'm going to return to observe the bodies for now - Kate stood up and started heading towards exit.

- Could you wait for a bit longer? - it was Rashid, who stopped her from leaving - I believe this piece of information you gave us is enough to start planning for future.

- So, we are doing this finally, huh? - Hubert smiled - You remember that we've got some colonists who would like to stay here, though?

- That should not be a problem, Hubert, but we are unlikely to have any guards to spare for staying. Is that correct, Jan?

Military guy who was mainly listening to the conversation so far, gave a node and said with his hoarse voice:

- That is correct, Rashid. We will need everyone for the convoy.

- That's fine, I've already brought this up to the guys - Dubois was calm about what he just heard - They've got quite a number of people having a good experience in hunting, who are sure they will manage. No one's changing their mind at this point.

That was kind of expected after the time they have already spent in the area. Despite the short time since their group reached the area and established a camp, colonists already started growing plants which growth rate was apparently much better than on Earth.

- I understand their decision. I've been able to see the results personally - Rashid, who was a specialist in everything plant-related, spent most of his days on the New Gaia researching not only the local flora, but also soil quality and amount of sunlight - I'm still not sure about this place being safe enough, and would prefer to stick together, but we have no authority over colonists' choice for land. Still, should we meet Kaller or Ryan, we will have to provide them with notes about their location.

- Of course, I'll tell them personally - Hubert assured - I'm going with you after all.

- If that's all you needed me for, I'm leaving - Kate announced as she went through the door.

Other followed - some returned to their duties, while others went to sleep like Martin who was working for way too many hours without a sleep already.