Ghasts XI

Martin honestly hoped to have it much easier for a moment at least, but - as if it was some kind of routine since he joined the Future project - he got yet another duty, adding even more work not only to him, involving other mechanics too.

- Well, it was kind of expected - Julian said, smiling from behind a workbench - Our contracts were really precise about our responsibilities, and irregular work time.

- Everyone knows that - Martin was taking a break from welding he was doing for about one hour now - The thing is, some have it harder than others. Not everyone had that many duties when Future was being built, or during the flight.

- You say that as if it was any different back on Earth - Liu seemed the most relaxed in their group - If I'm to be honest, being here feels more comfy than my life back there. It's not only about the air, the weather. Even these dangerous animals are not such a big deal right now. But back then, it was working, eating, shitting and sleeping. What I mean, life on Earth is working just to keep on living for most, right?

Thorsten sighed.

- We've known each other for couple of years already and I still don't get it how you can stay so happy, while saying such depressing things...

- That wasn't my intention. Quite contrary, I'm remembering how it was on Earth, and that's why I'm so happy it's different here. Looking back, it would've been a huge mistake backing out of this expedition after what happened in hangar back then.

- Yeah, I've always wanted to crash land on unknown planet and be attacked by some weird animals - Johnson said sneeringly - Too bad plants didn't kill anyone yet...

- Don't jinx it - Rashid just entered and obviously managed to overhear the last part of the conversation - Animals are indeed dangerous here, but it doesn't mean you should underestimate local plants. While we didn't run into any so far, there are sure to be poisonous or otherwise deadly plants on this planet.

- I wasn't serious there, Rashid - Martin felt he should explain as his colleague might have not faced the whole situation - It's just Liu here seems to prefer this New Gaia over Earth.

The oldest man in the room looked at Liu and nodded.

- I agree with him - he said calmly - Sure, what we've been through until now casts a shadow on the whole picture, but - in the end - this planet has so much to offer.

- Yeah, yeah, we all know that, old man - Julian got involved as usual with Rashid around - Still, it's dangerous as fuck, so not sure if we should be happy before everyone is really safe.

- Well, no one said it would be easy.

- Then again, I doubt it's the reason why you got here - Martin decided it was about time to get to the point of Rashid's visit - Anything we could help you with?

- Indeed, you can, or - I hope you can at least. You see, that project of mine, I would like to bring the samples...

Johnson sighed really loud.

- Isn't it an old topic already? We've talked about it during the last meeting. If we are to move smoothly, and maintain maneauverability, we should not brind unnecessary luggage. It was agreed that your samples...

Rashid quickly shook his head.

- You don't get it. Back then, I would agree, but not with what happened. My hybrids just sprouted! It may completely change our possibilities for adapting to local conditions!

Whenever it came down to topics other than plants, Rashid could be always relied on as he would approach every such matter with logic. However, in cases his field of expertise was involved, the rules were completely different in his mind, and well-being - in his opinion - of the research was of the highest importance.

- Okay, calm down a bit. As I said, there was a decision we've made. I won't do anything without authorization, not at this point at least. If you need us to work on additional stuff now, get others to agree.

- And here I thought you could just act as a good friend...

That actually irritated Martin a bit.

- Are you for real? It's not about friendships or anything. You remember that we have a lot on our plate already or did you forget? If we add more, there's sure to be a delay to departure time. Who do you think will be held responsible?

Rashid blinked fast, his face looking as if he just realized something he was unaware of until now.

- I'm very sorry for the trouble, Martin. I was so focused on my research finally showing results that I completely disregarded your situation. I will go check with others if we can do any adjustments to the plan.

Following these words, the man walked out of the workshop.

- Rashid is a good person, but sometimes he seems to be detached from reality - Johnson complained - And you say it's so great here, Liu? Back on Earth, we were getting days off at least.

- Well, you've got a point on this one - Liu agreed.

About an hour after Rashid stormed into the workshop, Martin was called to the meeting room they set up by the field hospital's location since it was a spot where everyone could arrive the fastest. The reason for the meeting seemed to be obvious, but Johnson was not completely right as it turned out later on.

- That may be actually a good idea to make a delay - unexpectedly, Kate supported Rashid's request - I found a potential clue after reviewing brain activity of all the victims we had so far. There is a common pattern there, I just need a bit more time to check the bodies.

Earlier, they decided to leave any redundant luggage, and that included not only Rashid's plants, but also the bodies of deceased patients doctor Warner was keeping in the freezer for research purposes.

In the end, the two seemed to have pretty much the same goal, though each chose a slightly different way to communicate their respective needs.

- As I see it - Hubert spoke after the two parties explained their requests - you are getting us mixed up into your personal business. I'll be honest with you here - with current amount of information we have, going with any of your suggestions is not justified.

- Can you hear yourself? - Rashid's face showed a visible disbelief - You are from colonist group, so how can you disregard possibilities hybrids would give to people who wish to continue living here?

- Research on this electromagnetic-related disease is also important. Just avoiding these obelisks may not be enough.

Dubois did not reply immediately - instead, he looked at Martin and the security chief, but both shrugged, commenting that it would mean additional work and delay to consider these two requests.

- Seriously, I don't want to undermine your reasoning, but if we were to continue like that, we could delay the departure indefinitely. Is that what we really want?

Rashid and Kate started assuring this is not their goal until Johnson got tired of the whole situation, saying:

- Can't we just do the voting and have it sorted out already?

The voting ended up with three against two in favor of granting the requests - it was Martin who gave the required vote for having the majority. He did that not because he really agreed with the reasoning of the two - in fact, he felt bad about not helping a friend in need.

Little he know, it would mean even more workload for him and other mechanics.