Ghasts XII

Martin was aware Rashid's request would mean adjusting their vehicles to include the space for the hybrid plants, but did not consider Kate would reach them for another round of device modification.

Having only Rashid's part to be done, they were already aiming for one full local day of delay, and - with doctor Warner throwing more work their way was surely to add one more day. Of course, it was not like anyone would blame them for being late at their target location in current circumstances, however, it did not mean they should not care at all.

Johnson had to review their work plan to see what could be done to get everything ready fast, but without exhausting his team. As a result, he managed to cut the delay to one and half a day.

With all the work finally done, including requesters inspection, Martin and his team could finally take long awaited time off. If this was back on Earth, some of them would like go partying, but given the overall exhaustion and the current situation within the camp, everyone without exception went to rest in their respective quarters.

During the time mechanics were taking a well-deserved break, their crewmates continued with preparations for the upcoming departure towards the gathering point. They have finally done necessary repairs and amassed enough provisions for several weeks of travel - even though the route was not supposed to be that long, it was a precaution in case of potential delays.

Kate's decision about taking the bodies of people infected by electromagnetism was criticized by many, not only because people believed bodies should be buried or burned, but also due to crew members being afraid corpses could raise - despite the attempts to keep quiet about the case, even giving an official gag order, the rumours already managed to spread enough for the people to be disturbed. While no one could blame them for being afraid, doctor Warner had no intention of giving up - it was both about her inability to cure this disease and wanting to learn how it could be possible for the body considered dead to regain its live functions.

In the end, to ease people's minds, a decision was made to split the convoy in a way that would allow military to keep an eye on Kate's "body fridge" as many started to call the vehicle adjusted for storing corpses. Obviously, the doctor herself was irritated by how some started treating her - still, she decided it is much more important to learn about this unusual phenomenon and find a way to cure it than to drop the case because of the people's feelings. In a long run, leaving the case as it is could cause the whole expedition way too much harm.

With this mindset, she kept pushing forward. However, an event that happened a night before the day they were planning to leave, resulted in a much bigger chaos than one would have expected.

During the night, on of the guards was attacked by something and his colleague raised alarm, waking up everyone in the camp. Doctor Warner was called directly to the spot were the harmed soldier was - she could tell at a glance that his wounds were painful, but otherwise easy to treat with the equipment she had. Then again, while the treatment was not complex and something she could delegate to other medics, some of the traces made her feel uneasy, and she had to make sure.

Following some additional tests, Kate confirmed her gut feeling was correct. Without the second thought, she called other team leaders to discuss her findings.

- I hope it's actually some good news this time - Hubert was yawning, seated in the corner of the room - I get the guard will live?

- Yes, he will be fine within a day or two - doctor Warner confirmed.

She was the only person who did not sit down, and walking around. Others already started mentioning this became her peculiar trait, but Kate did not think it was important anyways, and focused on getting straight to the point.

- But his condition is not the main reason why I called you here - she continued - It's about the wounds he got. Traces left suggest it was done by another human.

Her words caused quite a stir among people in the room.

- So, you are saying we've got some saboteur in the camp? - the one to raise that question was Jan, highest in military rank.

- Aren't you rushing into such conclusion? - Rashid calmly joined the talk - I get it's disturbing, but it may be some kind of personal grudge between two people.

- Still, it happened during his guard duty - Jan was standing by his point - No matter what kind of reasoning the culprit had, security is the key in these conditions. We cannot allow people's personal feelings to put the whole group at risk.

The botanist shook his head in response.

- I've never said it shouldn't be considered a serious offense. I'm just talking saboteur is quite a strong word here.

- But is it something worth calling up another meeting? - Dubois complained out loud - Kate, shouldn't you have the medical records of everyone participating in the expedition? With that, there's no problem tracking down who was it with the biological material, right?

- Yes, you are absolutely right about the process being quite simple - Kate confirmed - However, lots of data got corrupted and we cannot get a match.

- Oh, c'mon. Can't we then try to use optical records?

- No can do - it was Martin who joined as his crew was responsible for monitoring equipment - Optics in the area where guards were stationed are simply useless. Too much interference. We could get some blurred footage at most. That applies to PECs too, of course.

- Then, what do we have left? - Rashid's face was showing quite a strain; he was obviously thinking hard about what options they have - What about checking everyone in the camp?

- Woah, isn't that a bit too much of work? - Johnson asked - I mean, compared to the whole expedition, we don't have that many, but...

- That's basically the reason why I called you here - doctor Warner sighed - I doubt people will be happy should they be subjected to additional check-ups at this point. Still, I see no other way...

As they were about to start a vote, Jan was talking through his PEC's communicator and finally raised a hand:

- I think these check-ups won't be necessary anymore...