My chest felt as hollow
As the floorboards from
Underneath me as I
Rounded the corner.
The sight before me
Caused my shoulders
To stiffen and bristle.
There was Copper,
Standing over his
Owner's corpse.
Scratch marks littered
The cold skin, the bud
Of a used cigarette in
His deadened grasp.
The calico's vision
Flicked over to my
Own wide gaze, his
Pupils dilating as
Amber eyes flashed.
They held fear,
But not regret.
"Rose, I-"
I interrupted him,
My tail curling up.
"You can tell me
Outside, Copper.
Let's leave before
More humans come."
He nodded wearily,
Worn eyes fading
And dull. There was
A patch of skin on
His cheek burnt off.
We stumbled across
The gravel underfoot.
Copper's voice was
Meek as he spoke.
"He tried to kill me,
My owner. I lashed
Out with no second
Thoughts of how deep
My claws even sunk."
I glanced at the
Patches of burnt
Fur, revealing torn
And bleeding skin.
His fur was covered
In reddened wounds.
Stepping forward,
I craned my neck
To give his ear an
Affectionate swipe
With my tongue.
"And to think I
Was coming over
Because of my own
Injuries. Perhaps
We should heal
Each other."
He returned my
Gesture with a
Rumbling purr.
Burn marks and
Shards of glass.
Our scars matched.
It was late into the
Night as I gazed at
The stars, realizing
How they didn't match
The ones me and Copper
Always slept underneath.
I breathed out slowly,
Ears perking up at
The voices overhead
And walking towards it.
Words clashed in their
Cryptic tongue as a violet
Gaze clashed against
Narrowed magenta eyes.
"So, now that I want
Lavender to help me and
Gonta look for bugs you
Suddenly want to drop in?"
It seemed like the two
Humans were arguing.
"You've already spent
Time with the cat, I just
Want her to join me and
My sidekicks for training!"
Violet eyes flickered,
A smoldering lantern
Dancing in the moonlight.
"You're really going to
Make the cat your new
Sidekick? I thought you
Were the one who said that
She was like Monokuma?"
Magenta sliced through
The night like a badger's
Sharp and seething claws.
"That was only at the
Start, of course I was
Gonna be suspicious.
Don't act like you didn't
Worry about that, too!"
My ears twitched as I
Watched the two refute
Against the other with
Their strange language.
"Alright, fine. I suppose
That was a while ago.
But wouldn't having
Lavender, a cat, look
For possible spy bugs
Help benefit us and
Our attempt to escape?"
There was a brief
Moment of silence,
Magenta gaze no
Longer raging.
The other continued,
A smirk playing at
The corners of his
Upturned mouth.
"Besides, how on
Earth would you
Get a cat to train
With you, anyways?"
The taunting smile
Turned into something
More genuine and sincere
After violet eyes caught
My storm blue gaze.
"Oh, hey lavender!"
The other human
Paused and turned.
Magenta eyes
Fell onto me.
"Oh, uh... hello
There, starlight!"
Violet swept away
From my gaze and
Narrowed, igniting.
"Are you seriously
Trying to one-up me
With a nickname, now?"
The other bunched up
His shoulders before
Dropping them again.
"Well, you already
Gave her one."
A new voice ripped
Through the open air.
"Are you two actually
Fighting over a cat?"
My weary gaze met
Hardened red, cool
Enough to freeze.
It was not like the
Burning flame seeping
Warmth that belonged
To the other human, the
One who the violet-eyed
Human called Gonta.
She was different,
Cold and calculating.
There's too many
Humans here.
I backed away, cautious.
Character Key (Based on Eye Color):
Violet- Kokichi
Magenta- Kaito
Hardened Red- Maki