The gaze of a frozen river
Went hollow, never to be
Unveiled again as blood
Pooled around the body.
Everyone was quick to
Become frantic as the
Bear spoke to them.
My nose scrunched up
In dismay and confusion.
Why were all the humans
Dying one by one, and how
Could I put an end to it?
I went to the nearest human,
The one examining the body,
And pawed at his knee while
He was crouched down, gaze
Narrowed in swimming thoughts.
The gray-eyed human didn't stir.
I hesitated before piping up,
Swallowing my past silence.
"How do we stop the bloodshed?"
He jostled as I batted a paw
As his knee again, turning to me.
"Did you just meow?"
My ear twitched before I
Huffed and walked up to
The limp corpse myself.
He spoke from behind me.
"Do you want to help
With the investigation?"
I ignored the human with
A flick of my tail, instead
Nosing at white strands of
Hair until nutmeg skin
Revealed the injured neck.
There was a hole, too clean
For claws to cause, meaning
The neck injury was from a
Man-made object, sharpened
Enough to kill by a single blow.
My low growl was cut off
By a gasp from the human
Still crouched behind me.
I stepped away to let him
Examine the bloodied wound.
I nearly jumped as a voice
Broke the brooding quiet.
"Wow, nice going
Lavender! You found
Some more evidence!"
I tilted my chin up,
Tight-knitted nerves
Easing as I caught a
Violet gaze, steady
And calm like the
Torches that lit up
Streets at night.
His bright smile caused
A rumbling purr to escape
My taut and dry throat.
I felt a palm rest atop
My head. An airy chuckle
Followed suit, feather-light.
My eyes crinkled like
Ink-prints dancing on
Coffee-stained pages.
I clocked my sight
To a hardened red
Gaze as another
Human spoke.
"That cat really has
Taken on a liking
Towards you, for
Some odd reason."
There was an absence
Of the hand on my fur
As I peered upwards.
The violet flame had
Ignited into something
Uncanny, a darker haze
Clouding over his eyes.
His voice dropped lower
To match the lilted gaze.
"You're just jealous."
The other tutted and
Shook her head at him.
Sarcasm dripped off
Her tongue like the last
Drop of poison clinging
To a snake's split tongue.
"Sure, Kokichi."
My tail swished across
The hollow floorboards
In stark realization--
That sounded like a name.
The human who called me
Lavender, was his name
Kokichi, like she said?
A misguided line curled
The corners of his mouth
Into a petulant frown.
I stared at his narrowed eyes,
Faulty hazel from the light
Above us turning them into
A swirling fire of fickle violet.
I finally knew the name of
The human I trusted most.
Character Key (Based on Eye Color):
Gray- Shuichi
Violet- Kokichi
Hardened Red- Maki