Her First

It was almost one o'clock in the morning, Jacob was still awake gazing at the sleeping J in his bed. From CEO Wang's mansion, he took J to Evergreen Villa. Taking her back to Jade's apartment is not safe anymore for her. J hasn't been awake since she was taken by the Sano Twins and it's making him nervous although he knew very well that it was the effect of the drugs that were given to her.

He has been thinking about what happened that day. If Felix hadn't found out on time about the real identity of J, he cannot imagine what's worse that could happen to her.

Being the heiress of the Robin Hood Society and if it was really her that has taken over the Society, her life is in danger. The elites were eager to get their hands on her and who knows what they could have done. Others are far more evil than CEO Wang. If he had known earlier he wouldn't have allowed Arthur's Team to be pulled out from watching over her.

Now that he thought about it, does their marriage have something to do with her identity?

Being married to him gives her instant protection. If the elites found out that J, the heiress of the Robin Hood Society is married to the Chairman of the Twelve Army, they wouldn't dare give a thought of harming her. Is this the reason why Elder Do married J to him? Then on what condition?

Jacob was in deep thought when he felt J stir. Worried flashed to his face when she moaned and grasped her head. She's getting conscious but probably feeling a little light-headed due to the drugs.

When J regained her consciousness, her visions were a little blurred, she narrowed her eyes trying to recognize the person sitting beside her in the bed where she lay. She was alert at first but then she felt that the man who was caressing her head then her face was very familiar to her.

"J-Jacob?" Fear was evident in her voice hoping that it was really Jacob.

"Hey... Honey...it's me. How are you feeling?" Jacob was gentle but worried.

When J finally had a clearer view and confirmed that it was really Jacob in front of her, she broke down and burst out into tears in Jacob's chest. Jacob was heartbroken, she must be terrified after what happened. J was a strong person on the outside yet weak on the inside. He stroked her back and tried to comfort her.

"Shhh... it's okay. You're fine now. They are gone. I'm here now..." Jacob engulfed her in his arms while he comforts her. They stayed in that position until J calmed down.

"Where are we?" Jacob heard J ask him but didn't let her go from his embrace.

"We're at my house. You're safer here." Jacob replied. Then there was silence.

J was about to ask Jacob how he found her when she remembered something, then she pushed herself away from Jacob and looked at Jacob's face. Her face looked worried then said, "Beauty! Jacob, did you find her?! She was shot. Is she okay?"

For a moment Jacob thought that she was about to say something about her abduction but turns out she was more worried about the dog.

He smiled at her and said, "Don't worry. I had James take Beauty and Beast in their vet. Beauty is fine, Beast got a cold after being left inside the cold bathroom, but..." sadness flashed in his face which J was quick to notice. "The pups didn't make it."

Seeing that J looked a little guilty, Jacob said, "Don't worry sweetheart, at least Beauty is fine. Let's just hope that she'll conceive again. Or maybe we can adopt a couple of pups for them. How about that? Hmm?" Then Jacob pulled her again into his embrace.

J felt thankful to Jacob but she couldn't voice it out. Instead, she tightened her arms around him which Jacob pleasantly returned. If it wasn't for him, she's probably dead by now. Knowing the reason why they abducted her. She closed her eyes, felt the warmth of Jacob's body, and inhaled his unique distinct scent. She felt safe.

"You haven't eaten anything. You're probably hungry. I'll get something for you to eat." She heard Jacob say before he pulled himself away from her and walked out of the room before she could protest

After a couple of minutes, he arrived with two bowls of hot seafood chowder. She smiled at him then they ate the food that Jacob prepared for them. She felt recharged. The last time she ate was during lunch at the hospital. She hadn't had a chance to have a snack or dinner. Probably Jacob too.

"Can I take a shower?" J asked Jacob after finishing the food to which Jacob nodded his head then showed her the bathroom.

"You can search my closet, you'll surely find something to wear. Tomorrow I'll ask someone to get your clothes from the apartment." J nodded in response.

After almost thirty minutes J walked out of the bathroom feeling a little conscious. She only found a white shirt that was big enough to swallow her body and boxer shorts which she had to tie on the side to fit her waist.

Jacob looked at her affectionately which made J blush.

"What? I can't find your pants. This is better than wearing nothing." J said feeling uncomfortable under the gaze of Jacob.

Jacob smiled. Of course, she wouldn't find any because except for the pants that he is wearing he brought all his pants to J's apartment.

"Come on. Let's sleep." Jacob said then he pulled out the blanket and gestured to her to lie on the other side of the bed.

J was lying in Jacob's arm close to his chest while Jacob's arms were wrapped around her soft body. J is playing a small part of the blanket that's covering them with her fingers as she tries to fall asleep. But sleep seems to have no plans of visiting her yet. Probably because of the long hours that she had been asleep due to the drugs.

"You can't sleep?" she was startled to hear Jacob ask her. She thought he was asleep.

"Hmm... did I wake you up?" J looked up and stared at the handsome face of her husband.

"No... I was awake." Jacob opened his eyes and looked at her. "Is there something bothering you?"

J blushed when their eyes met. Feeling embarrassed she looked down at his chest. Jacob's lips curled upwards when he saw her flushed face.

"How did you find me?" J asked out of nowhere.

"There's the security camera. The person who abducted you was quite famous. And I know to whom they worked for." Jacob replied as he closed his eyes.

"How did you get me?" J asked again after a couple of minutes. Jacob didn't reply so she looked up at him and thought that he fell asleep but was startled to hear him say, "I had my ways."

"Oh..." was her only reply. She didn't ask any more questions to let him sleep. But She felt him tighten his embrace and kissed her on the top of her head.

"Did they do something to you?" Jacob asked the thing that he dreaded the most. If they ever did do something to her before he came, God knows what he could do.

J was silent at first, she tried to remember what happened after they got her from her apartment but the bulky guy grabbed her from behind and put something in her nose. She didn't remember anything.

"I'm not sure. How could I know when I was asleep all this time," she replied humorously but had a different effect on Jacob.

He felt agitated. J heard him groan then suddenly he was on top of her. Looking intently at her face.

J's eyes widened in surprise. "J-Jacob...." she wanted to say something but felt the words stuck in her throat.

It would be a hideous lie if he says that he wasn't aroused by her. They have been sleeping together in the same bed for almost two months and during those nights he was aroused by their closeness. He was aroused by her after-shower scent with wet hair. Even the thought of her aroused him. God knows how hard it was for him to endure it. But he has to control it until he gets her full trust.

But their current situation is making him out of control. Her wearing his boxer shorts, her bare legs and thighs frequently rubbing on his legs making him crazy. And the thought of another man touching her makes its worst.

"I want you...please?" his tone was imploring, his face filled with emotions. He wanted her badly but didn't want to force her. He was asking for her permission indirectly.

J was out for words as her face turned deep red and her eyes wide. Is he asking her permission? But how is she going to answer him? She was scared but deep inside her, she wants him too and knows that she wouldn't want anyone but him. If she was going to give it to anyone, she wanted it to be him, her husband.

So, she decided to worry about everything later on and enjoy the affection that she and her husband were sharing for the moment because she is not sure when it is going to last. Though she is certain that she will not have the same affection towards any man.

Her heart was beating fast, she opened her mouth yet no words came out of it. It took her long to process her thoughts.

Jacob thought that she is not ready yet so he said, "It's ok if you're...." but he was cut when he saw J nod her head.

Jacob was elated but still wanted to make sure. "Are you sure?"

J looked at him in the eyes. Both her hands were in his chest, they were so close that she could feel his heart beating erratically on his chest. She nods her head again.

Jacob smiled then lowered his head to kiss her on her forehead. "Promise I'll be gentle," he murmured to her. J closed her eyes. She felt Jacob kiss both her closed eyes then the tip of her nose. She smiled at his gesture. She felt his respect and sincerity even without words.

His lips covered her lips, it was gentle at first then she felt him trying to deepen the kiss. Without thinking, she parted her lips and their tongues met as if playing with each other. She moaned at the sensation that she had never felt before. Jacob was the first and she was glad that it was him.

Jacob's hands caressed her cheeks then they traveled down to her neck then to her arms. Then it found its way inside her shirt. She gasped when his hands cupped her breast. How and when did he manage to unhook her bra? She didn't notice. She was so drowned in this new sensation that Jacob is giving her. This is her first time but all the fear that she felt has soon vanished. She trusts Jacob.

When it was over, J was exhausted and eventually fell asleep. Jacob was gentle on her knowing her inexperience. Jacob looked at J tenderly. He kissed her forehead, then her closed eyelids. He whispered "I love you" before he kissed her lips as if he had never had enough then buried his face into her shoulder until he fell asleep.