
J was awake and she heard what he said. She was just embarrassed to look at Jacob after their lovemaking that's why she pretended to fall asleep. She opened her eyes and looked at him. She could tell that he had already fallen asleep. She pulled herself away from him then walked towards the bathroom.

When she got dressed, she lay back in Jacob's arms. She looked at his handsome face. She clearly heard what he said. He said that he loved her, she felt happiness in her heart and fear at the same time. She wants him to be with her forever but she was scared that he might leave her once he found out her identity.

She can't lose him. She doesn't want to. Not now that she is no longer infatuated with him. She has fallen in love with him.

The next morning, they made love again before Jacob got out of bed to take a shower leaving J who had fallen asleep again.

When J woke up she was naked. Memories of them making love flashed in her head making her blush. Then she remembered something. Did he use protection? She didn't remember him using protection when they made love last night and even this morning.

Her eyes widened, he released them all inside her! Is she going to get pregnant? Not that she minds having a baby with him, in fact, she would love to but her situation is a bit complicated right now.

She counted the days, she should be safe today. But she has irregular menstruation making her doubt her calculation. This is so frustrating! She rolled in bed and buried her face in the pillow.

She looked around the bedroom and found that Jacob was nowhere.

She takes notice of the interior of the bedroom, it was minimalist just like his bedroom in Parker's Mansion. She liked his taste when it came to interior design.

The room was painted white, the ceiling and floor are white as well while the furniture including the bed was black. The room is decorated with indoor plants which makes it refreshing and calming. She wrapped her body with the blanket and walked towards the large window. Looking outside, she realized that the house is a bungalow.

She went to the bathroom to take a shower and noticed that her clothes were now in the closet. Jacob was so efficient. She thought to herself. She chose to wear a grey long-sleeved dress that reached just above her knee.

She walked out of the bedroom to look for Jacob. The whole house just like the bedroom had a minimalist interior. White paint, black furniture, and indoor plants. There were lots of glass doors and large windows.

She found Jacob in the kitchen wearing jeans and a white dress shirt with sleeves folded up to his elbow. He is talking to his phone. Jacob saw her and instantly smiled at her. She smiled back at him as she was seated in the high chair on the kitchen counter.

J unconsciously stares at him while he is talking on the phone. He seemed to be talking to James and giving him some instructions. His deep-set eyes looking at her give her a sense of belonging.

Jacob noticed her staring at him so he stared back at her. For some reason, he felt that their relationship is now on a different level. He smiled at her as he remembered how she trusted her last night.

She looked even more gorgeous in his eyes. Her messy wet hair that she didn't even bother to blow dry. Her face was with no make-up at all but her lips and cheeks were pink. Just how did she manage to look so gorgeous naturally?

"You're awake," Jacob said after he finished his call. He walked towards J who was still staring at him.

"Good morning." Jacob kissed her temple and inhaled her after-shower scent making him want to take her back to bed.

"Good morning," J replied when she realized that Jacob is already in front of her. All this time she was just staring at his face. She felt that the time stopped only for her. She didn't even notice him walking towards her.

"You must be hungry, I prepared pasta. It's almost lunchtime so I'm not sure what to prepare so I made pasta. I know you loved it so you wouldn't mind. Would you?" Jacob said with a smile.

"No, I don't mind. Thank you." J replied.

"By the way, I asked James to file a two-day leave for you at the hospital. Don't worry, he used your specimen signature for the letter." Jacob winked at her before she could react. Because if James filed her leave letter then it would be suspicious.

"After what happened, we'll be staying here at my villa. It's much safer for you. And you'll need to rest for at least two days. Should you have any plans of going somewhere please inform me so I could come with you." after saying that J looked at him. She felt that Jacob became extra protective of her after what happened.

Thinking about that, she remembered the guy who abducts her seemed to know her identity. And according to Jacob, those people were working for someone.

"What happened to those that kidnapped me?" J asked.

Jacob stopped eating then looked at J before saying, "They're in police custody."

"Did you find out what they want from me?" Actually, J wanted to know if her kidnappers told anything about her identity to Jacob.

"Apparently, their Boss, CEO Wang must have taken an interest in you. Definitely, he didn't know who he was messing around with." for a moment J noticed Jacob's veins pulsing in his temple. "No one will dare touch you again. Not on my watch. They wouldn't dare harm you again, I promise you that." then Jacob pressed his lips firmly together.

J felt that there was something that Jacob is not telling her. Did he already know? She thought to herself. But if he did, why isn't he confronting her?

After they finished their brunch Jacob made sure that J doesn't have any plans for the day before he went back to the hospital.

When he went inside his SUV he looked around the house then sent a text message to Arthur. "I'll be leaving but will be back at night. She'll be left alone. Be sure that no one will come near her. Inform me immediately if she leaves the house."

After he sent the message, he started the engine of the car and drove out of the Evergreen Villa's gated perimeter.

When Jacob left the villa, J walked around the house. She noticed that no one is in there except for her. Didn't he get a housekeeper? She thought to herself.

Then she walked back to the bedroom and looked for her phone. She saw it on the bedside table. She hadn't checked her phone since yesterday so she was wondering if she missed any calls or messages. But upon looking at it, there were no notifications. What would she expect? For an introvert like her who doesn't have a friend or a close acquaintance except for Diana who seemed to be busy preparing for her coming wedding and Lance whom she left with all the stuff that she is supposed to be working on.

Thinking about Lance she remembered to call him and trouble him for something. She sits down beside the table and searches for her list of contacts. When she found it, she pressed the screen and dialed his number. After a couple of rings, he answered the phone.

"Hey!" J was the first one to speak.

"Hey, how're you doing lately? Did something come up?" J heard his energetic voice and a genuine smile appeared in the corner of her lips. She missed bonding with him. Being with him means no dull moment. How long has it been? Five years? It's been five years since they had seen each other, been together, and had a good carefree talk with no worries. But due to some circumstances, they have to stop seeing each other. Hopefully not for long.

"Hmmm... nothing much. How are you?" the words just came out of her mouth. Lance was taken aback. Just since when did she call him just to ask him how is he? Lance laughed. "What's wrong with you? Did you get a rare disease or something? Or...wait a minute...don't tell me you're pregnant?" Lance's last words were whimsical.

J's cheeks turned pink when she remembered the passionate lovemaking that she and Jacob had a couple of hours ago. She shakes her head to erase that image from her head.

She winced then said, "Am I that bad?"

"Yeah," Lance replied matter of factly. Then J heard Lance laughed. "Straight to the point! What do you want? I'll be attending a meeting on your behalf in half an hour." J pursed her lips.

"Have you found the Elder Parker?" she asked directly which Lance replied with a "No." directly.

"I want you to find some people for me. I want to know their whereabouts." J followed up on her questions immediately.

"Okay, bring it on!" Lance replied not wasting any minute.

"Sano twins. I want to know where they are." when J said that, there was silence on the other line.