A Mother Always Knows

Nora was quick to wipe the tear that escaped her eyes. She scolded herself internally for crying because of Damien in front of her mother. As if her situation is not embarrassing enough.

J stared at her daughter for a while before she reached for her hand with one hand while the other cupped her face. Her thumb stroked her cheeks where a tear ran down earlier. "How would you know if you could trust him?" She asked. 

"Uhm...I don't know," Nora answered because she really doesn't have an idea. Is there really a way to know if they could trust him? If she could trust him? Should she test him?

But wasn't Damien turning his back against Bowie Faulkner and doing everything he can to make sure that she is safe already considered as him passing that test? 

But why does she still feel afraid of trusting him?

J smiled and said, "By trusting him,"

Nora frowned. "Mom, where did you get that?"