Elon Banks

The following day, while Nora stayed at the headquarters of Twelve Army, Timothy called Cole and Rhys into his apartment.

"Hey, Tim," Cole greeted him as he and Rhys entered his apartment.

Timothy, who was sitting on his chair in front of his computer, turned around and found Rhys already seated on his sofa while Cole literally had his head inside his fridge no doubt searching for a can of beer. He asked himself why he still bothered to stock up with cans of beer in his fridge when it was Cole who was always consuming them.

"Where is Nora?" Tim asked though he already knew where she was and that she is safe wherever she is. She wouldn't have called Cole and Rhys all the way from Naupaka and left Nora unguarded.

"She's at the shooting range with Aunt J," Rhys replied. While their parents still call J as Miss J, they had gotten used to calling her Aunt as they grew up.