Birthday Dinner

"Miss Sadie," 

Sadie has a smile on her face as she stares at the dining table that she specially set up for Dylan's birthday when she heard the waitress that she called earlier. She turned around with a smile on her face. 

"Mira, can you please get the vintage lamp that I ordered last week in my office?" She asked with politeness. 

The waitress whose name was Mira smiled and nodded her head, "Yes, Miss Sadie,"

"Thank you," Sadie replied, and then she looked back at the table to examine if there was anything that was misplaced. She wants the night to be as perfect as possible. She is not a perfectionist but she wanted to make an impression at least for the night because it is special. 

"Uhm…Miss Sadie?"

Sadie didn't notice that Mira hadn't left. When she looked behind her, she saw Mira still hovering there looking as if she wanted to say something but she was hesitating. She was shifting from one foot to another.