Three Words Were Enough

"Yeah. She knows what I want even when I don't know what I want. She is the reason why I am where I am right now. Not because she told me so, but because she knows what I want. She inspired me to do what I want,"

"You are lucky to have her,"

"That's an understatement actually. I wouldn't know what I would do without her, my dad, and my brother," Sadie said. "So how about you? Do you always know that you wanted to become a showrunner?" She asked playfully. 

Dylan had already finished his food unknowingly. He leaned his back on the chair and said, "Nah. I never saw myself where I am now. Though I wanted to write a book. I always loved playing with words,"

"Why won't you?" Sadie asked because she could see him as a writer. 

Dylan shrugged his shoulders. "I haven't got time to write a single sentence," He said, chuckling.