The Cops

"No. It will not. As far as the people in there know, we were just a bunch of party-goers," Nic was one who answered.

They talked for a while until Sadie remembered something. So she asked, "Who shot Ezio's men?"

"Ares Gang," Zeev replied with a smirk then he looked at Yael who was giving him a knowing smile. 

"Huh?" Sadie was plastered. 

Then they all took turns explaining what happened. 

When Megan and Timothy arrived at the club, everyone was already there bringing guns and everything that they might need. The only one who was not with them was Nora who volunteered to monitor the security footage as well as the cops' activity near the place. They don't need the cops to arrive at the scene while they are doing their own thing. 

They manage to get inside the club without Ezio's gang or anyone noticing. At first, they all hid in places where no one could notice them.