Driving Her Home

When Megan went back to where her friends were, she found them talking and laughing. They looked as if they hadn't just taken down more than two dozen gang men inside a club. They looked carefree and worry-free. 

Even though she knew that they could always rely on them, Megan was amazed by how they all quickly responded the moment she told them that Sadie was in possible danger. They didn't even ask what, why, or how. It has always been like that ever since they were children. And they were especially overprotective when it comes to Megan, Sadie, and Nora. 

When they were children, no one would dare bully Sadie, Megan, and Nora. But if one dares, even if the girls could handle the bully themselves, the guys would still somehow find out about it and would retaliate even if the girls didn't ask them to. Sometimes, the girls didn't even know what the guys did.