When You Suffer From Violence (Jung Heosok) Pt.II

Y/N arched her brows as she stared blankly at the complete stranger that was asking her to get in his car. Well, yes she thought that he had a cool car and his voice is sexy as hell but that doesn't mean that she would just hop in the car!

"Excuse me," she said. "Do I know you?" she said tilting her head as she stood on her feet trying to take a closer look at the man in the driver's seat.

She got to say that she was impressed, the man was just as hot as his voice! His face was long and slender, he had the most perfect nose Y/N has ever seen. His dark brown hair was styled to the side of his head as he plastered a sweet grin on his face.

Y/N almost gave in to his charms but she yanked herself back to reality. After all, Handsome men are the most dangerous. She knew that better than anyone, Julian was proof of that.

"Oh," the man was taken aback as if he forgot that they didn't know each other – or that was what Y/N thought at least. "I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Jung Heosok." He finally said with a smile and a look of anticipation on his face. He was waiting for Y/N to recognize him but from the look on her face…he knew he was nothing more than a creep in the middle of the night.

"H-How do you know me?" she finally asked. The breeze blowing off her hair revealing her bruised face which has gotten worse in the cold.

"I'm your Neighbor. I live just across the street. I saw you here and I thought I could give you a lift." He said. It made a little bit more sense but she wasn't yet fully convinced. She guessed that he must have been away since he doesn't seem to know what happened earlier in their street. And now that he said that, she felt that she did see him before. "Get in I will drop you off…" he said before stopping midway, the headlights of the car that was passing by illuminated Y/N face, the bruise was on full display to Heosok. The bright smile that was once on his face was now replaced with an angry one.

Y/N noticed how his face changed, and covered her face once more with her hair. She felt so embarrassed and humiliated that she just wanted to disappear right then and there. It slipped her mind that since she recognized him from her neighborhood that he must have heard – and seen a lot of what Julian usually did to her these days.

"Did he do that again?" He growled.

The way he said it made chills run down her spine. She tugged on her own selves as she averted eye-contact. "T-that has got nothing to do with you," Y/N uttered lowly but Heosok got to hear it loud and clear.

He sighed placing a hand on the wheel, for a moment Y/N thought that he was done with her and was going to drive away. She had no idea why she was feeling a little…disappointed.

"I know…I know that it's not my place to say this but," Heosok said as he looked in front of him at the almost empty street. "Why are you keeping up with him? This clearly an abusive relationship. He hit you on the face for everyone to see, and who knows where else he has lied a hand on you. Don't you think that it's enough?" he turned his head at the end of his talk to look her in the eyes. Y/N could clearly see the concern in his eyes and in his voice but, why? He didn't even know her.

"H-He..he wasn't always like that," she defended, and she had no idea why she did that when inside she felt nothing but hate and fury towards Julian. She wanted nothing more but to make his pale face meet the ground at least once.

Heosok sighed as he poked the inside of his mouth with his tongue before scanning her from head to toe, to take in her state – miserable state to be exact. There was no need to ask if she had a place to go, because if she did then she wouldn't be here sitting on the sidewalk of the street when it was almost dawn.

"First how about you get in?" he arched his brows. "It's almost dawn and you shouldn't be here alone." He said unfastening his seatbelt to lean forward to the passenger's seat, opening the door wide for her to get in.

Y/N glanced back and forth between the empty seat and Heosok, with her hand on her elbow as she hesitated to take a single step. But worse could happen to her after all that has already been done? So, she finally got in. Heosok leaned forward, leaving barely an inch between them as he fastened the seat belt for her and returned to fastened his. Y/N felt the adrenaline rush through her and feared that he might hear her crazy heartbeat.

It was only a matter of minutes that they were at her street. Once the car started driving through it, Y/N felt her heart clench on itself as the memory from earlier this night came crashing at her at a fast rate. Heosok stole glances at her as he tried to pay attention to the road despite its emptiness.

Heosok pulled over at his house, gesturing for her to get out. "You can sleep the night here and tomorrow you can do whatever you like," he stated as he led the way up the steps to the door. He didn't need to look at her to know that she was nodding obediently.

Just as the door flung open as he twisted the key into the lock…before Y/N could even move a muscle, a hand grabbed her around. She felt her breath get caught in her chest as she took in the angry face looking at her.

"Is this why you left in the middle of the night?" Julian spat out.