When He Is a Rookie And You Are His Crush PT.2

You couldn't even believe that you said these words! You couldn't believe that you just suggested that they join you for the photoshoot instead of the male model that was supposed to do it.

Even after seeing all 7 of them walk awkwardly inside the studio, bowing down to everyone asking them to take care of them. "Did I do wrong?" You asked Angela who was standing next to you with her hands crossed and her brows frowned.

"Well, actually…" she said. "You did great!" she chuckled happily as she patted you on the shoulder.

"Really!" You exclaimed in surprise. "I thought I messed up."

"Messed up!?" Angela quoted. "You don't have any idea how big this is going to be. For both you and them."

You stayed quiet as you processed her words. She was right, your fans along with their fans were going to make it blow up online once the pictures are released. You smiled to yourself, you felt happy that you were going to be of help to them, even though you didn't actually mean it to. You were scared to your bones that you might mess it up for them, which in turn will affect them hard..them being still rookies and all that.

"Come on!" Mr. Kim yelled to the stylist. "Get them ready in 5! Y/N let's take your solo photos till they are done." He called out to you to interrupt your thoughts.

Without replying you got into position in the middle of the white background. How you changed into character didn't fail to get Jungkook's eyes. It was so strong that he halted midway as the other members walked around him, all excited that you have actually gotten this chance.

"You are that happy?"

Jungkook blinked back to reality to see Jimin talking to him with a smile on his face.

"We all know how much you liked her," Jimin said as he looked sideways in your direction, watching how you lean over with your hands in your pockets. Jungkook followed his line of sight, he couldn't help but smile at you.

"I always saw her from afar in the agency," Jungkook confessed. "Now that I see her this close it's…it's a dream."

Before Jimin could say anything a stylist dragged them both into the booth to get them ready. You kept possing, putting on your poker face hiding the beating heart inside your chest.

"Okay we are done," Mr. Kim said as he checked his camera. "Get the boys over!" he yelled in the direction of the booth. Before long, the 7 gorgeous men walked through it, putting everyone in awe.

Some even thanked God that the main model didn't show up. "Alright! I like how you all look!" Mr. Kim said feeling satisfied as he admired the men in those slim suits, making them look even better than any model.

You felt your breath get caught in your lungs as you took them in. Honestly, you felt your throat go dry. You tried your best not to drool as the makeup artist fixed your hair and makeup. You saw Mr. Kim from afar gesturing for you to lead on the shot.

You took a deep breath, you needed to get hold of yourself. You were working! You opened your eyes, already feeling in character as the photographer placed each member around you.

You stood in the middle. Jungkook out of habit stood in the middle as well, he didn't mean to be the one to stand next to you. But he was thankful for that habit. As the flash from the camera flashed, you changed your posture as you leaned over Jungkook with one arm around his shoulder.

You smirked as you felt the flinch on your skin. "Calm down," you whispered in his ears, hearing his breath getting unsteady. "Look ahead and let your emotions flow." You added as you gazed at the lens.

"Okay, good!" Mr. Kim said. "A couple more! Get that chair over there!" he gestured for one of the staff.

"Jungkook can you please sit on that," Mr. Kim added. Shifting his attention to the others as he made some sit and some stand. A usual he left where you stand up to you, he knew that you were a professional in this field just as much as him.

You smirked to yourself as you finally figured where the perfect place would be. "Can you spread your legs for me?" You gazed at Junngkook with a smile.

"Yes… WHAT!" He exclaimed getting stared at the members around him. He felt the blush spread through his cheeks before he did as you said.

You mouthed him *Good boy*. He blinked a couple of times imagining what he has seen but it was too late, you were already on your knees with your back to him.

You sat on the floor between his legs, placing a hand on his thigh and resting your head next to it. Allowing your hair to fall on his covered lap. Honestly, you weren't so sure about his but, something in the way that he was reacting to you made you want to go on teasing him.

A couple more shots were taken and finally, it was over. You thanked the staff, and the photographer before going to change. Just at the door to the booth, you saw the members waiting for you there.

"We can't begin to thank you enough for this opportunity!" Namjoon said with his eyes lit up with excitement.

"There is no need to thank me," you brushed him off. "We are in the same agency after all." You smiled at all of them in turn. You could see the look in their eyes as they looked up at you but…then there was Jungkook with his gaze. You paused as you gazed back with a questioning eyebrow. Jimin poked Jungkook in the shoulder as he whispered something to him that made Jungkook finally snap and bow in courtesy as he thanked you.

"Let's all go have lunch then!" you said. "If your schedule is free that is." You kept your smile. Part of you didn't want to let this go, you wanted to keep this going on for as long as possible. You felt that it wasn't going to return if you even blink.

That he was going to disappear if you blink.