A Happy Life, An Ominous Warning


[ Heaven Dou Empire, Vast Sea City, Li Lingbao's House ]

Two steaming vegetable platters were carried out from the kitchen on the hands of Lingbao. As he placed them carefully on the table, the luxurious smell was greedily inhaled by a beautiful woman sitting across from him. It was Mengwu who began to voraciously dig in despite her graceful appearance.

Lingbao lamented at the sight. "I say, can you not eat more..." he trailed into a disgruntled murmur as he was hit with a piece of seaweed, "... lady-like."

Mengwu continued to stuff her face after giving the response.

Lingbao sighed but on his face was a big smile. Although she had her short-comings, these three years were far less lonesome than the three years after being kicked out by his clan. He himself noticed that his lost vigor had came back to him with her presence, and was thankful to her. Not to mention, still deeply in love with her, his new wife.

It happened like such a blur that he could not even remember most of it, but his heart captured the most important moment. When those cherry red lips of hers split apart to reveal a bright smile as she said one word to him: "Yes." Hearing those words, he felt all his pain and loneliness disappear and felt his suppressed emotions burst out as he hugged her.

It was the still-munching face of Mengwu in front of him that brought him back to the present as she asked--no, not asked but simply stated. "Why stupid face?"

Nearly tripping over himself, he cried internally for the heavens to give him back his 'cute' Mengwu. Although Mengwu's thoughts had matured to an adult, her ability in forming sentences had improved very minimally. As a result, she appears to be very insensitive at times, not getting the own implications of her sentence.

He smiled anyway. "I was thinking about when you agreed to be my wife. It... really meant a lot for me."

Surprisingly, Mengwu put down the vegetables in her hands and with a celery stick hanging from her mouth, directly fed Lingbao with a kiss. Lingbao was in the ninth heaven, thanking his past self for no longer buying fish after knowing Mengwu did not like it despite the hassle of it in a sea-based city.

She spoke innocently. "Eat. Weed is good. Makes happy."

Lingbao nodded happily at her words as he munched on the piece of celery. He was no longer distraught by her strange behavior as he learned from her mouth that she was a Koi Spirit Beast that had become human. Naturally, he was stunned briefly but he quickly accepted it as he already had suspicions for some time before that. That was the moment that he asked her to be his wife, as he knew he would love her regardless. That led them to now and the odd shows of affection.

Soon, he would miss them...