Child is Born, On the Clock


[ Heaven Dou Empire, Vast Sea City, Vast Sea Hospital ]

A pained scream escaped from the doors of the delivery unit. On the hospital bed, a beautiful white-haired woman was giving birth.

"Ling'ah! Ling'ah! Don't stand around, do something!"

Hearing the calls of his wife, Lingbao could only put on a bright smile thinking internally, 'What do you want me to do, huh!?" Another six years and his wife was now able to form proper sentences. He should be glad but...

Luckily, the doctor defused the situation. "Do not worry, Miss Li. The hardest part is over now, a bit more and the baby should come out."

But instead of a sigh of relief, the screams instead got louder. "Agh! It hurts!"

Lingbao looked to the doctor who was beginning to panic. Nervous but assertive, he directly questioned the doctor. "What's happening!? You said she would be fine!"

"W-Well, she should have been fine. Only..."

Lingbao questioned furiously, feeling his anger rise. "Only what, damnit!?"

"There's been some complications." He said trembling. He then pointed to the door with his hand still shaking. "Y-You should leave."

Hearing that Lingbao, pushed him out the way, holding Mengwu's hand. "Listen Mengwu, I need you to push through! Keep pushing!"

Mengwu groaned in response. Her voice was getting weaker. "I-I can't. I don't think I can make it."

Lingbao roared. "Don't say that, Mengwu! You have to! For me and the child! C'mon, do it!"

Her heartrate began to slow down.

Lingbao started to cry. He did not cry when he was beaten up by the main clan kids nor when his cultivation was ruined and he had to start again. But at this time, he did so unreservedly.

Weakly, Mengwu spoke to him. "Shut up and listen. I do not--have mu-much time. After I bear the child, I need you to--to take my body and throw it into the ocean."

Lingbao was astonished. "No, if you can't survive, I must at least have your corpse. I will not--"

Mengwu screamed with what seemed to be her remaining strength. "Lingbao! Do you trust me?"

He was struck silent. Then his eyes shone with resolve. "With my life, I do."

She nodded, as her eyes began to close.

Lingbao knew he could not spend anymore time dawdling, taking the newborn baby and wrapping it in cloth, he leapt out the window and ran towards the ocean.