Mermaid Princess, Nuwang


[ Northern Ice Sea, Underwater Mermaid Clan ]

At this time, the Mermaid Clan was one of the strongest forces in the known world. Their strong mental and spirit fusion abilities allowed them to dominate countless other races in the sea, with few exceptions. They were at the height of their power and influence.

One small girl was happily swimming down the Clan's hallway when she saw two of her family's elders exit and leave in the opposite direction. She could only make out a couple phrases such as 'Nuwa', 'Five-Colored Stone', and 'Sealing Treasure.'

An especially mischievous child, being the treasured Mermaid Princess of the clan, she went over to the door and opened it after the two left. Inside the room, she saw a beautifully luminous Five-Colored Stone on top of an alter. She wanted to touch it.

Looking around and seeing no one else was there, she slowly reached out for it. The instant her finger touched the exterior, the light glowed intensely as the room began to quake from spiritual fluctuations. When it had faded, the little girl was no where to be seen.

This little girl was indeed Nuwang, who had mistakenly sealed herself into the same Five-Colored Stone that the Goddess Nuwa had once used to mend the heavens.

It wasn't long until the two elders came back, but they had extremely flustered expressions. When the bright light went off, the powerful old sea monsters across the ocean felt the godly spiritual fluctuations, and knew the Mermaid Clan had secured a priceless treasure. Although the Mermaid Clan was truly powerful, they were not powerful enough to compete against the entire ocean of monsters, especially those reclusive powerhouses who would never move if not for the temptation of the God-tool.

And so, the Mermaid Clan quickly collapsed, all with little Nuwang watching from the stone. She watched as her family died and people shed blood over the treasure she was in, all because of her.

She screamed horribly and began to cry, consumed by guilt. Her body already sealed, she sealed her consciousness as well, hoping to never wake up again and see this 'nightmare.'

Over the next one million years, the stone constantly traded hands but never had an owner for too long. Eventually two top-tier powerhouses killed each other for it, causing the stone to become ownerless and fall to the depth of the ocean. There, it was discovered by a small clam which took the stone, and coated in its mucus, forming a pearl.

Somehow, the clam had died and its carcass washed upon the shore, where it was then found by Mengbao. After a million years, even if Nuwang was in deep slumber, the guilt only continued to erode at her heart. She was deeply scarred by her experiences and only continued to live because she thought she was the last of her kind. However, upon suddenly feeling the unique aura of a fish-person, Nuwang believed Mengbao to be a descendent of her own race.

She was filled with joy, as she could finally die after passing on her royal bloodline, atoning for--or perhaps escaping--her sins. She merged the treasure, which she now had more control as it became familiar with her in a million years of isolation, into his Dantian and made preparations for the day she long awaited. But things would not go exactly as she foresaw. (A/N Let me know if it is still called a Dantian in DD or a spiritual core/whatever ty)

As the age-old saying goes, 'A man can have many plans but it is always Heaven's will that prevails.'