Spirit Awakening, Unseen Martial Spirit

Mengbao woke up with a start, noticing that it was morning already. 'Strange', he thought, 'what was that dream? And why did it feel so... real?'

The door swung open, revealing Lingbao who wore an intrigued expression. He chuckled, "Couldn't sleep, huh? I was the same when I was your age, taking my spirit awakening. Alright, since you're up now, meet me in the courtyard after you get dressed. I won't keep you waiting any longer." Lingbao closed the door behind him.

Mengbao suddenly remembered that he turned six today. Dismissing any other thoughts from his head, he got dressed, excited to awaken his martial spirit. 'I wonder if mine will be a dragon like my father's?' He remembered seeing the immensely powerful Blue Tyrant Lightning Dragon, beginning to daydream.

Eventually, he came down the stairs dressed in a yellow fish-skin tunic with white shorts and sandals. This was the common attire in the more rural areas of Vast Sea City.

Sure enough, his father was standing there waiting for him. With his hands behind his back, his father seemed to radiate an aura of confidence that was normally hidden when posing as a fisherman. Seeing Mengbao's giddy expression, he smiled.

Although both father and son appeared very silly, they were actually very serious people. It was only around each other that they acted as such. "Hold out your hand." Lingbao only told Mengbao once before Mengbao held his hand out with a firm expression. Nodding, Lingbao then gave him a piece of advice. "When I send my spirit power through you, focus on it."

Mengbao did not have any time before he could feel a warm sensation from his father's hands entering his body. Quickly, he focused in on the spirit power.

It was this whole-minded focus on the strands of spirit power that made him miss when wisps of blue spirit power had began to leak out of his Dantian, where a five-colored pearl laid.

At this time, a supernatural phenomena was occurring as a golden aura emitted from Mengbao's body. After a howl and a flash of five-colored light, there was a creature that had manifested.

Although it was illusory, it looked very life-like with two intelligent golden eyes and a long, white body. Behind it, were two flowing white wings like the fins of a Koi. What was more eye-catching, however, was a large five-colored diamond-shaped 'scale' on its forehead. From the left to right, it was white, yellow, blue, green, and then black. Only the middle blue was lit up as the rest appeared to be faded.

Lingbao was confused. 'Is it a dragon? No. It appears more like... a sea serpent? But then why does it have wings?' He was even more disoriented after seeing that it had two small claws on the upper part of its snake-like body, but no legs at the tail.

Mengbao was observing his spirit too when his consciousness was suddenly pulled into another space. When he opened his eyes, there was the pretty blue-haired girl from his dreams standing before him, smiling.