Father's Farewell, Aunt's Welcome

After a while, Nuwang had finished crying and they spoke together, quickly getting along. During their conversation, he learned that her name was Nuwang and that the place he was in was his own mindspace connected to a heavenly treasure called Nuwa's Five-Colored Stone, currently encased in a pearl.

He also learned that she was unable to escape, as the treasure had sealed her body, and unless she either had a new body to inhabit or could escape in spirit form, she was trapped.

However, it was not entirely hopeless. Nuwang told him that, over time, she learned more functions of the stone and discovered that, aside from the five sealing spaces, she is able to send spiritual pressure and mental power outside of it. This not only meant that she could communicate with Mengbao in his head but could also remotely protect him from danger.

After she promised to live on for now, Mengbao was able to heave a sigh of relief as he left his mindscape. As he slowly opened his eyes, he heard a small bit of a conversation between his father's voice and a voice he had not heard in a long time. They must have still thought he was unconscious as they continued speaking in hushed whispers.

"Brother Ling, can you not return to the Clan? It was only the second head's ruling to have you expelled, if you come back and tell the Clan head, I am sure he will allow you to--" The familiar female voice was cut off.

"Sister Er, it is not that simple. If I simply let the Clan kick me out and take me back in on their own whims, then what does that make of my opinion. The Clan can belittle me with their words but I will never offer myself up to be humiliated. A man... must have his pride."

As soon as he heard 'Sister Er', Mengbao immediately knew who it was. As he sat up, his movements had prevented the woman from speaking further as she only gave one last look to Lingbao before turning to Mengbao and smiling. "Xiao Meng, it's nice to see you again. I see you have gotten cuter since the last time, unlike your father here."

A bit bothered by her calling him 'cute', Mengbao internally grimaced. Still, he politely nodded as he addressed her with an, "Aunty Liu."

Indeed, this woman was Liu Erlang, and his father's only real friend he saw in his life. She had long, red hair as well as a proportionate figure that would have belonged to a woman in her early twenties. Her eyes were big and black like onyx gemstones, although they carried a trace of sadness.

Lingbao stoicly nodded. "It's good that you remember her. After all, you'll be leaving with her to go to Blue Tyrant Academy, so it's my wish that you two get along."

Mengbao was shocked. "Blue Tyrant Academy? But what about Vast Sea Academy, it's closer after all."

"Indeed it is closer, however..." Lingbao trailed, "that is only if you still live here."

Mengbao got his meaning, "I'm going to go live with her? Why, dad?"

Lingbao looked up towards the roof. "Your father has some personal matters to deal with. I will be living in a more dangerous place soon, which is why I cannot take you with me."

Mengbao was hesitant. "But, what--" His father only gave him a look. His uncertainty faded a lot as he gave a firm nod. "Okay. But... you have to come back for me when you're done."

His father's face broke out into a smile. "Of course. I have already prepared your first spirit ring, a 500-year Deep Sea Anglerfish, for your mental-based martial spirit. You can finish off as you ride the carriage outside to Blue Tyrant. Get moving then. Time waits for no one, afterall."

With that, Mengbao looked at his father one last time before leaving with Erlang in the carriage.

When they were gone over the horizon, Lingbao stood up and fed the koi, Mengwu, who had gotten noticeably larger. Stroking her with his hand, he looked with great love at the big silver koi.

"It's time, Mengwu."