Sparkling Koi Dragonling, Tyrannical Warfare

[ Blue Tyrant Academy, Liu Erlong's Courtyard ]

A golden-haired youth could be seen staring at his ring hand, where there was an illusory image of his martial spirit swimming around. This golden-haired boy was Mengbao who had been left in his aunt's courtyard as she took care of his enrollment and living area. He stared at his martial spirit which he had decided to name the Sparkling Koi Dragonling.

Although, his Aunty Liu looked at him strangely after hearing the word 'dragonling.' This was understandable, however, as although it was not a dragon, it was not a sea serpent either. The wings and claws were the best proof of that. More importantly, the moniker carried Mengbao's hopes to have a powerful dragon martial spirit like his father. Unfortunately...

'No,' Mengbao shook his head, 'I shouldn't look down on my own spirit. Aunty Liu told me that only spirit masters can be trash, not the spirits themselves.' He recalled his aunt's expression as she told him those word, full of sadness and longing. He mentally noted that everyone had their own problems.

A while into his practice, he saw two people come into the courtyard. Mengbao narrowed his eyes. This was his aunt's personal courtyard, meaning that only people with her permission are allowed. Judging by their ill-intentioned eyes and the fact his Aunty Liu was not with them, Mengbao easily understood that these people came looking for trouble.

Sure enough, the tall one with black hair and the false appearance of a gentlemen turned to him, barking at him, "Are you the child that Miss Liu came back with this morning? I don't see what is so special about a little country bumpkin like you."

Mengbao immediately understood that this man should be someone pursuing his aunt, but that did not mean anything to him, as he got called a 'country bumpkin.' Aunty did not have a uniform prepared for him, so he was still wearing his fish-skin tunic, which would be poor attire in the eyes of this well-dressed man.

However, Mengbao was not a carpet who would let others step on him, especially if they were unqualified to do so. He slowly spoke to the man, saying, "Is that so? Indeed, you are special. A pig in a suit, who would not feast their eyes on such a spectacle."

The man smiled coldly at him. "A pig? You might know them well as the other children you roll around in the mud with. You are the only pig here." The smaller child standing next to him smirked in agreement.

Mengbao closed his eyes peaceably, letting out a final, incisive remark. "Indeed, it is as you say, you are not a pig. I can at least tolerate pigs enough to play around with them."

This time, the man had no retort, only scoffing. He commanded the child next to him, "Daxuan, show this kid some manners. Let him know that the waters--no, the mud is deeper here than those small puddles he plays in."

Mengbao observed the child. He had a confident demeanor and wild green hair as he called out his martial spirit, Green River Serpent. In response, Mengbao called out his own Sparkling Koi Dragonling, subtly intending to show off in front of the snake.

The two were immediately shocked, showing both surprise and confusion. They looked to each other as they thought, 'Clearly, it's just a winged snake, no?'

Mengbao did not overlook this, his face turning black. 'It seems that... a dragonling is insufficient.'