
Ch 7 "Interaction"

Chloe : God damn it!

Emma : "sigh" Lorraine...look at me here! please don't keep quite speak something..

"I was lost literally...I couldn't cry nor speak just staring at the nothing after telling them about the news...my soon to be step-mother..till now I deny this idea"

Chloe : Lorraine..

Lorraine : I have nothing to say...let him be I don't give a fuck!

Emma : Exactly! just...do what you always dreamed about...your real target! you always push this thought away because of your father now...think about your target

"My mother!...the violin"

Chloe : Emma is completely right! you always say you are not ready...give yourself a chance!

Lorraine : Not now I am not ready..not yet!

Emma : Now or never Lorraine!

Lorraine : Let me think about it...

"I was thinking about the idea I really wanted this chance very badly and since my father got his chance to find his "chuckle" love , then why I can't do the same...from a near distance I found Ashton talking with some of his friends cheerfully..happy...enjoying his life although he know that he have responsibilities as older brother...as the only male in his beautiful distracted family , our eyes met...he smiled at me waving to me I just smiled unconsciously and waved back to him...I think he excused his friends and started to come to my direction!"

Emma : "smirk" I think we should go now Chloe..shall we?

Chloe : Of course...cheer up "smile"

Lorraine : I will..thank you "smile"

Ashton : Hey Lorraine how are you?

Lorraine : Great...what about you Ash?

Ashton : umm the normal state..

Lorraine : Which is?

Ashton : Normal I guess..

Lorraine : I see..

Ashton : No for real are you okay?

Lorraine : "chuckle" What makes you not sure?

Ashton : Simple...I saw you crying on your friend's shoulder!

Lorraine : wow you are too focused then "chuckle"

Ashton : Maybe...now what's wrong with you?

Lorraine : My father....is gonna marry at the end of this week "sigh"

Ashton : Oh...my...are you okay?

Lorraine : Totally..if he wants that...let it be "sigh" I can't stop him "smile" and he can't stop me too

Ashton : I don't get it?

Lorraine : I will think about myself more...because I ignored myself a lot when myself needed some...rest...my father was with me and I really appreciate that he did a lot "sigh" I can't be selfish ... at least I will follow my dream without hesitation "smile"

Ashton : Violin?

Lorraine : Yes...I know...silly right "tearing up" but it's the only thing that keeps me closer to my mother..

"I felt warm tears dropping down on my cheeks...slowly I roughly dried my eyes and looked up to the blue sky above me...it's so calm pretty calm!...I guess up there is much prettier and calmer than here I don't know why people like to stay in that noise more...not like I want to kill myself or something but...I am just saying it's calm there"

Ashton : Hey....earth to Lorraine!

Lorraine : Here here "sigh"

Ashton : Having a target...a dream..whatever this dream is....not silly at all , don't repeat this again unless you wanna convince yourself that your dream is silly "sigh" about your father...don't think about it who knows maybe your step-mother will be nice..like your mother-

"I got furious the more I think about the woman that will take my mother's place the more I get angry...the more I lose my temper!"

Lorraine : No! this woman would never be like my mom not in a million years....don't say this again Ash!

Ashton : I am sorry I am sorry calm down! I mean that it maybe hard for you at the beginning but then you will get used to the environment "chuckle" as you can see life is a game for me control it

Lorraine : How EASY life in your opinion Ash! it's not a piece of cake I can't believe you

Ashton : People...are the one how choose weather to accept being in the darkness and who doesn't want this fate so they work on changing their life...aren't you the one who is saying giving up is not my thing?

"I smiled to myself thinking about what he was saying while staring into the space..he is right...I can't give up now!"

Ashton : "smile" Yeah smile and relax! life is short you know..

Lorraine : Yeah..

Ashton : So wanna hang-out?

Lorraine : What?

Ashton : Tomorrow at 6 then "smile"

Lorraine : But-

Ashton : See you tomorrow then bye!

Lorraine : Ashton! "sigh" god what the hell!

Chloe : Boo!

Lorraine : OH MY GOD since when you were here!

Emma : we couldn't leave actually...so what did you talk about?

Lorraine : Nothing important he asked me to hang-out "sigh"

Chloe : A date!?

Lorraine : Friendly date! just friendly date

Emma : welp...a date is a date and you need to be prepared

Lorraine : He didn't even give the chance to speak!

Chloe : It's yes in both ways don't be rude tell me when will you go?

Lorraine : At?

Chloe : The date!

Lorraine : Ah 6 I guess

Emma : Fine we will be at your house 4 and half is that good?

Lorraine : Yeah..

Chloe : Then fine...I will go now bye

Emma : Bye...Lorraine let's walk home together

"Since that my house is near Emma's house so we usually walk together till I reach my home first , Emma was stroking her hair and from time to time she look at me as if she wants to say something but she doesn't know how to say it"

Lorraine : What is it Emma?

Emma : You can call your dad and ask him to stay at my place if you want to..

Lorraine : Another time..

Emma : "sigh" Lorraine are you sure that you are okay I mean..you can cry if you want to

Lorraine : What the hell are you saying it's not the big deal why would I cry...as long as he feel happy with her I will feel happy too

Emma : Thank god I thought you are gonna cry or something and Chloe is not here and I am gonna ruin the moment-

Lorraine : "giggle" You don't have to say I know...so see you tomorrow!

Emma : I will text you when I go home alright! if you didn't reply I will break the door you hear me!

Lorraine : Yes sis!

Emma : "smile" Ok bye!

"I opened the door and lazily throw my bag on the nearest chair I could see and I was on my way to go up stairs to my room but my father stopped me"

Josh : Lorraine come over here!


Lorraine : Yes dad-

"I found a lady sitting putting one leg over the other...she is in her 30s I guess...pretty neat and formal she was drinking coffee but once our eyes met she put down the cup slowly looking at me calmly with a calm smile on her face I could tell from my father's excited face that this lady for sure is my soon to be step-mother Sandra Scott"

Josh : Lorraine meet Sandra...darling this is Lorraine my daughter "smile"

Sandra : Nice to meet you Lorraine you look so beautiful as Josh described...you look similar to your dad "smile"

"I couldn't speak...I couldn't move nor do anything just stare blankly towards her direction and to less the tension my father asked me to sit beside him"

Josh : Sandra came here specially to meet you Lorraine

Sandra : That's true I was willing to meet you face to face

Lorraine : Yeah...so was I

Josh : So I will leave you together till I do something I will be right back okay

"My father stood up and left just so we can talk to each other and know each other better but it was awkward silence"

Sandra : So...how is your college "smile"

Lorraine : Great..going well

Sandra : Why are you speaking coldly like this...relax I just came here for chit chat "giggle"

Lorraine : Miss Sandra-

Sandra : No please just call me Sandra okay..

Lorraine : Okay Sandra..I won't ask you since when you know Josh and how did you guys fell in love because what happened is just happened I just wanna know...do you really wanna continue your life with a man who have a grown 20 years old daughter...I am just curios how do you want your future with someone like dad

"She narrowed her eyes during my question and once I finished I found her looking down with smirk and I heard her chuckle as if what I was saying is a joke...she took a deep breath"

Sandra : Well...I will tell you "smirk"

Lorraine : "chuckle" Yes...please!