
Ch 12 "Two sides"

In a way or another I will pass this rough time and actually I succeeded...somehow...no one stays in the dark shadow for too long in the end.... upside downs...life is not stable right?

The problem is that my dear father began to....ignore me...like most of his time with Sandra which I expected to be honest , like he forgot totally about his first woman won't he forget about me even a little wonderful!

New updates that Sam guy started to text me for....hours!...I believe so....he is nice , funny , pervy and to find him on top of my contacts every night became something natural for me actually I don't feel regret texting him because he is such Lucy's friend so I am not doing something wrong , and actually when I think about it Chloe and Emma and Lucinda were right I have to match my age like anyone from my age..DAD himself done this before when he was young and he done it on his 40s and got a new wife so...yeah let it be!

And the real question that confuses me Ashton and Sam two completely different characters sometimes I see myself the pure good girl when I am around of Ashton he is funny and nice and completely caring he is here when I need him and a person I would call for him in the hard times and Sam the cool guy that I find myself become the wild savage girl he is also caring person and the person I would say you can lean on him in the hard times and the question is who am I leaning to....not an actual love but a self style...I have always been the quit one who doesn't have a lot to share like I don't even know how I got friends like Chloe and Emma so express myself clearer is a bit rough even to myself because I didn't get the complete chance to give myself a title and now I am facing two opposite directions and that's not a good thing!

Ashton : Earth to Lorraine!

Lorraine : A-Ah yes I am with you

Ashton : I see...what are you thinking about?

Lorraine : Nothing important continue

Ashton : I was saying you should get some rest you are losing yourself!

Lorraine : I am fine Same!

Ashton : Sam "coldly "

Lorraine : I am sorry Ash I am not in my mind today

Ashton : You text each other a lot I believe so

Lorraine : Not that much to be honest just a little...

He was looking at me silently observing my moves and that...was the first time I saw this side of Ash I always saw him the optimistic shinny goofy person but what I see just calm side I can't understand his expression

Ashton : Yeah....let's go

Lorraine : are you okay?

Ashton : I am...I just need to do something importantly so shall we "smile"

Lorraine : Boy you don't seem so , speak!

Ashton : "sigh" I don't feel alright from that Sam the day I saw him for the first time is just..I don't know!

I went straight to him and hugged him in a way to make this feeling fade away somehow it was sudden action too I regret doing this for split second

Lorraine : It's fine Ashton don't worry buddy

Ashton's P.O.V

The way she innocently came and hugged me made me feel more happy and more...safe , I have been always the man who should take care about all the family and also give them hope in life while his dad is just chilling somewhere I haven't felt that someone really cares for me my mother is always with my sisters and I won't complain they need her more than me but...I also need someone to tell me it's fine! and that hug was really needed....especially from her so I just hugged her back slowly living this short moment!

Ashton : It's fine Lor , I am just worried about you!

Lorraine's P.O.V

I told dad that I will go and sleepover at my aunt's place which he didn't complain instead he said sure and don't forget to say hi from me to them have a nice day! painful moment but I have to swallow it to pass the day so I went straight to Lucinda's room without knocking throwing my bag on her and jumped on the bed

Lucy : Pig! I swear....you are just a pig even the pig itself more polite than you!

Lorraine : I just missed you so I said to myself why can't I go and annoy you for the whole day!

Lucy : Are you sleeping here?!

Lorraine : Yes baby!

Lucy : YAS it's boring to be here alone finally !

Lorraine : I will just pick my things-

Carla : Lorraine come here for a second!

Lorraine : Alright....or you can just pick for me...Lucinda! something normal!

Lucy : Alright don't worry "smirk"

Lorraine : "sigh" That smirk!

Carla : Lorraine!

Lorraine : Coming Carla...Lucy normal I warn you!

"She look serious what's wrong?"

Lorraine : What's wrong?

Carla : Listen...you like playing violin right?

Lorraine : Is that even a question?

Carla : That's a good point then....have you dreamed about sharing this talent and to make people know about this hidden treasure of yours?

Lorraine : Aunt Carla I can't get you?

Carla : I know you haven't got the chance to focus on your dream which is being a violinist as you want , but after your father's step you need to focus on what you actually want and here is your big chance!

Lorraine : what chance?

Carla : "smile" Tomorrow you will see let's leave it as a surprise between me and you alright?

Lorraine : Sure! aunt Carla "smile" Thanks for real!

Carla : You are like Lucy no difference go wash your face I will prepare the table

Lorraine : Five minutes and I will join you!

Finally...I have been waiting this day although I said I am not ready and I am scared but it was one of my biggest dreams and I can't see the point of rejecting this gold chance I will never do such a stupid thing like this , shaking happiness and fear I have to be strong and I know my talent I need just to clear myself mom I need you to be with me beside me in this important moment I hope you can see this

Lorraine : That's reall- LUCINDA!!

Lucy : What it's good outfit?!

Sam's P.O.V

Unique girl I would say...from her bad luck that she have to face me , naive pretty naive

Sam : "chuckle" Interesting! and in the end she will fall like the others..and bingo!