
Ch 13 " A beginner"

Next day I called my father telling him that I will stay at my aunt Carla's place for couple of days and gladly he didn't complain , like I can hear Sandra's call for him in a sweet soft form which explains their situation right now and that made my heart get heavy but I shrugged it off saying they are married and that's normal when it's not normal at all but I planted a smile on my face to not ruin this special day for me , I heard Carla calls for me so I took a deep breath and took my bag

Lucy : Best of luck baby , and when you come back we will have a lot to do alright!

Lorraine : Sure thing , gotta go now bye "smile"

Lucy : Bye!

Carla was turning on her car and waiting for me

Carla : Here yo are "smile" ready?

Lorraine : Nervous!

Carla : Safety first...

Lorraine : Carla I am 20 years old!

Carla : Still....I am waiting!

Lorraine : "sigh" happy now

Carla : Here we go!

We started to go mixed feelings between happiness and anxious hugging my violin to my chest praying while looking at the scenery outside the car's window until she said we are here

Lorraine : Do you think I will make it?

Carla : I don't like stupid questions and you know that get out...go!

We went inside the building pretty fancy place so calm like you can hear your footsteps I found my aunt talking with someone then she told me to follow her and the more we step closer the the room the more I hear music....light unique sound she told me to knock on the door and the door opened in just few seconds revealing a wide room more like a ball with people inside playing their instruments the weather was so nice when I heard a stern voice telling them to stop! I jumped for a second

A lady in her 30s or 40s I guess with stern face cold expression was coming towards me I felt scared for a reason she looked uneasy Carla was smiling trying to calm me down

Carla : Lorraine this is Mrs.Heather , Mrs.Heather this is Lorraine I told you about her!

Heather : Hmm You play violin then "cold"

Lorraine : Yes Miss!

Heather : I will be the judge of that...play something classic

I looked at my aunt for a second and then back to Miss Heather which I started to dislike her for real...I started to play all the students or the players were amazed their jaw dropped and I was happy with that I believe I did great job...but!

Heather : Hmm not bad...welcome to the academy

Lorraine : Not bad!

Carla : shh- "giggle" so now she is here I hope you take care of her

Heather : Aha don't worry about her

Carla : I will leave you two...good luck!

It felt like the kid who left alone in the kinder garden while looking to the mother while leaving this lady over here looks like lucifer's daughter no wonder why everybody here fears her

Heather : Go over there let's start!

How bad I feel.....I can't explain how bad I feel like I am doing great job...I am doing better even than them no offence and she ignored this completely we started whatever she was doing till the end of this session I guess everyone took his own bag and leave I took my bag and was about to leave but Miss Heather stopped me

Heather : Lorraine wait!

Lorraine : You need something Miss Heather

Heather : You seemed to be pissed off may I know the reason?

Lorraine : The reason!?

Heather : Yeah the reason

Lorraine : No nothing Miss I just practiced most of my life on this skill...and everyone admit but now I am just a beginner

Heather : Being a beginner is not something shameful...I was a beginner and look at me now....plus I just wanted to see your skills and you surprised me young lady.....Lorraine your band is welcoming you

Lorraine : What?

Heather : COME IN!

I saw 5 people coming with their instruments and one without anything but went towards drums 2 girls and 3 guys but wait a minute

Heather : This will be your band...Amber , Olivia , Noah , Ethan and Sam


Sam : Hello Lorraine "wink"

Heather : you guys know each other?

Sam : She is my friend Miss Heather

Heather : I see...anyways I will leave you together so you can get along with each other

Amber : Hi Lorraine I am Amber...vocalist nice to meet you "smile"

Noah : Hey I am Noah and my role here is playing drums by the way you play violin pretty well!

Olivia : Hello I am Olivia and my role here is playing piano "smile"

Ethan : I am Ethan and my instrument is the Saxophone "smile" nice to meet you

Lorraine : Nice to meet you all "smile" what about you Sam?

Sam : Me....Guitar you can't tell from the outer shape "smirk"

Lorraine : Don't judge a book by it's cover I would say!

He came closer to me till he stood in front of me I didn't feel good by that to be honest but I wanted to play it cool

Sam : You know I felt that you will be the chosen to be with us your skills is no joke

Olivia : I agree with Sam you play wonderfully

Amber : Yes!

Lorraine : Thank you that's sweet from you!

Heather : Now guys! attention...you need to focus on your practice alright specially you Amber you need save your voice don't talk too loud this high note wasn't showing your real skills this crack at the end of the bridge the audience won't accept it alright!

Amber : Got it Mrs.Heather!

Heather : And Sam...playing around in my place is not acceptable I know you...you have great skills but all in a one annoying boy!

Sam : "chuckle" Miss Heather you don't have to worry at all I got this!

Heather : You have to young man! and Lorraine you are a student right!?

Lorraine : Right Miss Heather!

Heather : I know it will be hard on you but you need to keep the balance alright your aunt have great hope on you

Lorraine : Yeah I can't break their hope!

Heather : Them?

Lorraine : My aunt and my "sigh" mother she was playing a violin when I was little but now she is in...a better place "tearing up"

Heather : How sad...but you got your father that's okay

Lorraine : "chuckle" My father yeah sure!

Heather : I guess you have...a trouble I guess?

Lorraine : Not the big deal...excuse me I gotta go now!

Sam : Wait I am coming with you!

Noah : That's sad!

Ethan : I agree!

Olivia : She must had a terrible childhood

Amber : Probably?

Heather : Guys...leave the girl this is her own privacy if she wants to share it with us let it be and we need to focus her herself need to focus past is past "clap" let's go!