
Ch 28 "clear.."

Maybe I am overthinking , everything work pretty smooth till now and dad finally agreed on my courses that's what I am thinking

I grabbed my bag and was about to open the door but he took my wrist before I leave

"Yes dad?" I asked

"Umm.. Lorraine-.."


He paused for a second before looking back to me with a soft smile , patting my head softly

"Call me when you finish , I will pick you up!"


I took myself and went inside , it felt that...he wanted to speak something he was shattering , I wonder what he wanted to say?

I opened the door and I found the others practising already Mrs.Heather's back was facing me and I could hear her usual stern voice leading them

"SO on the count of three Sam , Olivia and Noah will start and then Amber will join them!" Miss Heather said

"Hey guys.." I spoke awkwardly stepping forward while tightening my grip on the bag

"There you are , where were you Lorraine we have been waiting for you!" Miss Heather spoke , piercing her eyes into my soul

"I apologize Miss Heather but...I had some issues that won't happen again!" I spoke in a low tone

"Chin up!" She said forcing me to look up to her face "I don't wanna ANY weak spirit in my class Lorraine is that clear... people have their own reason just try to come early next time" she patted my shoulder and stepped away so I went and stood beside Sam who was looking at me the moment I stepped in , he whispered in low voice

"Here you are!" I turned my face , he had this twisted smile

"Yes....I guess.."

"I hope you warmed up..." He spoke while fixing the wires of his guitar making a sound check

"Yes I did..."

He turned his gaze away from his guitar to me studying my expression he smiled and approached me with a water bottle in his hand

"Chill...she won't bite you...it's just ten minutes not the big deal one time I came late...half an hour , I mean yes she scolded me how irresponsible me and stuff like that but I am still alive...take it easy girl"

He was explaining with funny expressions which made me giggle and Miss Heather noticed that so she approached us

"I hope I am not cutting you both!"

I had nothing to say actually and Sam wasn't helping at all he was just continuing making funny faces and it was hard to keep it in

"What's funny Lorraine!?"

"Nothing Mrs.Heather...nothing.."

"It better be nothing...and you!....Mr.Sam this is not a club!"

"Nor school Mrs.Heather!" He replied with a cold tone , I heard her chuckle and moved closer to him

"True...I agree on that but respect doesn't have to be in school only...don't you know that?"

She turned around and walked away then she turned back to us

"Lorraine will start , show me what you got!"

I quickly opened the bag and set everything ready and closed my eyes

"Smooth one Lorraine!" Mrs.Heather said

Smooth it will be!

I started playing my mum's track , she used to play this at night time when I am about to sleep and it has been my favourite track since then...and till now I smiled unknowingly getting my memories back...I was so little back then but I can still remember it...fresh in my head....I finished and opened my eyes with a faint smile the others stood up cheering clapping and whistle while Mrs.Heather was sitting at her place while smiling she clapped and stood up till she stopped in front of me

"Well done Lorraine that...was astonishing!"

"Thanks Mrs.Heather!"

I felt very proud of myself at this moment

"I almost cried while listening that's amazing for real!" Amber spoke with astonished face which made me laugh at her expression

"I know right!" Olivia said

"The sound of heaven!..." Noah said

I was giving a slight smile to everyone inside me I felt so proud!

"I must tell... that was heavenly good...I wonder how did you learn....I mean just between us you don't need classes you are doing pretty good!" Sam said

"Ugh you are talking like dad now , look I know without telling me my skills but...I don't wanna keep it to myself I wanna share it! Make everyone listen to me and know my skill What's the point on having a skill if no one knows about it....that's useless!"

"Wow looks like someone is highly proud of herself!" Sam spoke with a smirk plastered on his face , my face turned red immediately

"I-I didn't mean to praise myself like that!"

"Why not! Look you worked on this you deserve this-" He said putting his hand on my shoulder


"So after we finish would you like to hang out a bit...take you back home"


I was about to reject say that dad is taking me but after thinking

"Sure Sam...sure why not