
Chapter 27"Over acting?"

I would be mean if I said they treated me bad that day , to be honest I didn't expect that they will welcome me like this maybe I am the one who is overthinking...but...a part of me feels wrong feels like a stranger and I hate this feeling so much like it's not necessary everything is working smooth but the idea itself staying with them makes me feel not...home!

I was just playing with the fork without eating , the food is great actually my favorite but I felt like losing appetite both of my father and Sandra were chatting laughing holding hands like sweet couple they were such a goal!

"Lorraine? why you are not eating...don't you like the food?"

"Oh no Sandra it tastes delicious thank you!"

"Really? because I don't see you eat at all your plate is full!?"

I took a spoonful in my mouth and gave her a reassuring smile

"No...it's just...I feel so much tired today I had a lot to do plus I missed Carla and Lucinda already...packed with a lot of things plus I have a course today-"

I found my dad stretching his back and looked more serious when I mentioned about the course I paused a bit but I took a deep breath and thought I won't stop my dream for anyone anymore , you had achieved your goals and I will achieve mine as well!

"So yes I need to practice too.."

I found Sandra clapping excitedly

"Ohh what course ?"

"Violin...I am taking course with Mrs.Heather , I have my own group now!"

"A group already that fast?!"

"Yes I have been training since I was six and I am well prepared-"

My father cut me again

"Exactly you are well prepared you don't need any courses! , I don't know why Carla did this you are great already without courses and stuff!"

"Josh she is happy with these courses let her!"

"Dad...I know I am good at playing and thanks for your complement , but I don't wanna stay in the dark...if you have a gift don't hide it in the dark remember...you used to tell me this...and I am doing as you say..."

He leaned closer to me and starred at me for a second before saying

"Sometimes if you showed your gift it loses it's glow!"

I paused for a second processing what he had just said

"As you said dad...sometimes...Thanks for food Sandra...it was delicious I really appreciate it!"

"You are welcome dear.."

"Pardon me...I need to practice now" I turned my gaze to my father who was looking now on his plate "I should warm up before the course!"

I went straight to my room and closed the door behind me and leaned on it taking a deep breath I walked slowly towards my bag and opened it revealing my mom's violin , I brushed my hand through it with a grin on my face

"Just you and me baby...so...what should we play...maybe classic?"

I warmed up the strings and checked on the sound before starting

"Okay ready...let's do this!"

I closed my eyes and my hand moved slowly above the strings a calm sound that reminds me of the nature and sun rays...I can feel the warm fresh breeze hitting on my face making me smile...remembering all my good memories the good vibe I got each time I played

"Okay...I think we are good here!"

I turned around and found my dad leaning on the door while smiling , I got stiffened why it feels unfamiliar to me

"Remember Lorraine...I used to stand here while watching you playing with the violin you were just a little girl back then , it feels like yesterday!"

I smiled softly while looking at the violin on my hand I felt the warmness on his voice

"I don't even know how did you learn playing , I don't remember bringing you to training on this thing!"

"Exploring dad.."

"Exploring you say!" He smiled patted on my head

"That's what I said!"

"So aren't you...going to get your clothes ready?"

I paused...does he really talk about it

"You mean?"

"The course silly..come on better get ready before I change my mind!"

I smiled and dashed towards him and kissed him on the cheek

"Give me five minutes!"

"Okay I will be waiting outside okay?"


It didn't take me more than five minutes and I rushed outside

"Looks like someone is excited!"

"Do I look so?"
