Hey, Crush! Be Mine 4

Synclair Rousell Oribiada's

I sat on the bleacher near where I could see my cousin. I waved at him.

“Thanks for coming, couz!” my cousin shouted when he saw me. Others looked at me.

I just smiled at Virgo. They're all surrounding their coach so I think the game will start, any time soon. Fortunately, I'm here before the game began.

With a whistle came in, it's a signal that the game is about to start. Virgo was one of the first five to play. My cousin was really good. He is the team captain and MVP. So I idolized him so much.

I'm the opposite of him, if where going to talk about our differences and similarities. My cousin was the best when it comes to extra curricular activities while I'm the best when it comes to academics but where are both handsome.

“Woah, that's my cousin!” I shouted as I saw him shooted his ball on a three points shot.

“Go, couz! Eat them up!” I shouted once again when I saw how the game is.

My cousin's team is winning. I can saw the determination on the other team but they knew that they can't beat my cousin's team. Shouting and screaming was the only thing that you can hear around the court.

I'm proud to watch my cousin's basketball game. He's so on the go. He even did a flying kiss for the crowd.

In the end, my cousin's team won the game. I left where I was sitting, meet my cousin who is sweating. He's now with Ellayha.

“Couz! You really are the man!” I said praising him. We had a fist bump and we hug each other.

“You're also great, couz! In the field of academics.”

“You're both great. You are just have different priorities and wants in life,” Ellayha said, joining our conversation.

She's right! Virgo and I were really different but even though we hadn't competed with each other. Growing up, Virgo is always been there for me. He's my best bud and my best cousin.

“By the way, couz. Are you want to come with us? Or do you have any other plans?” Virgo, changing the topic.

“I do have other plans, couz. I only came here to watch your game and cheer you. I'm having a review for my upcoming quiz bee competition. You knew that your important to me, not just because you're my cousin but because you're my bestfriend too,” I said.

“Thanks, couz! Goodluck! I know you'll win because you're intelligent and next time, bring your girlfriend, okay!” He tapped my shoulder.

“Couz, are you insane? I knew I don't have a girlfriend, right? It's just a crush but I'm too shy to move to make her mine,” I said shyly. But my cousin laugh at my sentiments. I think my whole is now like a tomato.

“If I were you, I'll set aside my shyness and court her. Someone might court her instead. Do you like that?”

I just laughed at him and motioned to him that I'm leaving. I left and went straight to where Manong parked the car. The Sedan was locked when I arrived at where it had parked. Perhaps, Manong had left because of boredom.

I texted him, instead. Minutes later, I saw Manong. He opened the Sedan and he maneuver the car to where our mansion was.

When I arrived at the mansion, I saw mommy in the garden. She's drinking a tea. I kissed her left cheek.

“Oh my baby, where did you go?” Mom asked me sweetly.

“To Virgo's school, mom. I watched his basketball game,” I answered. I sat in front of mommy's seat.

I look at my mom. She looks happy every day. I know that the relationship of my parents isn't perfect but I love how the way they look each other. The love they have is eternal, I guess.

“Is that so? Did Virgo's team won the game? I bet they did.”

I nodded. “They did mom. You know, Virgo. It's his passion. By the way, mom, I have to go. I have to review,” I bid goodbye. I stood up.

“All right, my baby! Goodluck! Mommy loves you so much, sweetheart,” mom said sweetly, again. I approached her to give her a warm hug.

Mom is the sweetest person I've ever known.

Lailou Fleurica Altamirandi's

I'm at the swimming pool having a deep thoughts. The supposedly bonding didn't happened. The company had a problem so the ending was, I was left alone.

You really are unlucky, Lou. Hahahaha!

I jumped back into the pool again. I did different stunts just to entertain myself. When I get tired I went back to the surface. I dried myself.

I sat at the hammock patio swing. I swing myself. I'll get really crazy if I was the only one who will entertain myself.

I took out my phone. I take selfie of myself and post it on my social media account.

It took just a few minutes to have many heart reaction.

I searched on the search box the name of Synclair. I'm tired of just peeking on him from a far. I need to make a move. I don't care if he already have a girlfriend, it might be rumours.

I typed "Hi" and hit the send button. I put my phone on the table that is beside the hammock. It only takes a few minutes when my phone beeped.

I'm expecting a message that comes from one of my friends. But I was wrong, the one person that I'm not expecting to reply was the one I saw on my notification bar.

I quickly opened my phone. I shouted so loud that makes some of our househelp came near me.

“Ma'am, are you okay?” One of them asked me nervously.

“Manang, my crush replied to my message! Ahhhhhhhhhh!" I shouted again. I can't stop my scream because I'm not really expecting it.

“Myghad, my child! I thought something bad happened to you. Okay, now go back to what you're doing. Let her be. She's having some craziness issue,” Manang commanded to the houshelps who went to me. They are rubbing their head before taking their leave.

It took me a few for minutes on screaming before I calm down myself.


My heart is beating so fast. I might gonna die. No scratch that, I can now create my last will and die. I didn't expected that he will truly reply on my message.

