Lailou Fleurica Altamirandi's
As I cooled down, I checked the reply of my bebe Sync.
“Hello!” that was his reply and I can't stop smiling.
I might go to mental if I won't stop this.
I quickly type my reply for him.
Whattchu doin'?
I'm in the state of kilig while waiting for his reply.
Talking to you, I guess?
Doesn't he have anyone who is chatting him, other than me? I don't know what I'm going to reply for him, yet so I scroll down on my newsfeed then I saw a video. It's all about crush thingy.
Omyghad! Nice idea.
Because of desperation, I didn't think twice on sending that video but in the end, I regret it after I saw that it was sent to him.
Did I do the right thing? Am I became the desperate bitch.
Later on, he replied. I was so nervous that I can't even take look on his message.
Is it true? You have a crush on me? Lou?